“…we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable…” ~ Albert Einstein – Closing Remarks at the Leiden Lecture – 1920
When will you people learn that there are worlds within worlds – that the etheric worlds interpenetrate with your plane and with each other? I know I should not be sticking my neck out by talking so much about these saucers, as you call them, at least until I have investigated more fully. But they are not craft constructed on your planet, nor is it necessary to assume that they come from any other planet. It seems impossible to get it through your heads, that objects can pass from an etheric to another level of matter and will then appear to materialize there. Then they disappear by dematerialization, returning to an etheric condition.
This is a perfect analogue to the materializations witnessed in the seance room, which many of your learned men bear witness to. Not only do human forms materialize, but solid objects appear ‘miraculously’, and often these are brought from long distances. You call them apports, but an apport is dematerialized so that only the etheric pattern remains, and then the original atoms are reassembled in the pattern or mold and you have a materialized object. Well, these ‘saucers’ that puzzle you so much come out of an etheric world also, and can return to it. The purpose of these visitors is simply to compel your attention, to wake you up.
There will be many strange sky appearances, as we have often told you before in these meetings. Watch for them. These ‘saucers’ make their great speed partly because of their peculiar bun shape and peculiar motion… The willful ignorance and hostility of your time toward etheric and astral studies is appalling. These visitors are not excarnate humans, but live in their own world, made of stuff which your senses cannot directly perceive, and which you therefore childishly imagine cannot be there at all.
Whatever is subsequently discovered in regard to this particular kind of sky phenomena, one outstanding fact will be that space is not the vacuous thing it has long been considered. Also another kind of phenomenon, quite unthinkable in the eyes of most of your physical scientists, called teleportation, will have to be studied more widely and seriously. The facts are that no matter how distant one body may be from another in the stellar spaces, ‘Nature’ has a method of moving all manner of things from one of these bodies to another – called teleportation — all of which disproves the statement that ‘what goes up must come down’.
It appears rather strange to me that so few people have thought of connecting the ‘discs’ with the endless other sky phenomena, such as are found in great number in the books of Charles Fort. When it is mentioned that these things fall, fly, walk, or crawl out of other space – times you have referred to as the ethers, everyone cries — “but they are solid”. Well, hallelujah, and bless you, my child! So they are! And so also is your earth and the billions of other bodies that go to make up the many island universes. But again, all depends on what one means by the word ‘solid’. The term simply refers to one of many states of what is loosely called matter at some given time. Neither your earth or any other body in space came out of a ‘void’ or state of nothingness. And to say that any of it was spawned from a field of ‘primordial astral dust’ (science), or that the Lord made it in six days and finished it on the seventh (religion) is enough to set one into hysterical laughter. That ‘primordial dust’, notwithstanding that one may call it pure energy, still has to come from something, and that something needs to be particulate in nature, and is so.
The fact that the study of what is called light and quanta seemed to take away from the particulate theory and add something called wave does not change the fact that ALL is of particulate nature, or the law of change would be invalid. I think, however, the greatest trouble in the field of physics is the present meaning attached to the word atom. An atom is not something in itself that can be broken up into parts. To pour a stream of neutron bullets at an atom of uranium does not smash it or knock a piece of it off, for actually, while I do state in a very definite manner that all is particulate, we must not think of that word as implying a final bit of something, but rather as a field of motion and degree of frequency extended or contracted in a given radius — as, for instance, we may say when an atom bomb is exploded: “A dwarf star in the solar system of the uranium universe has become a giant nova” – which simply means that a field of energy has become more extended in its mode of motion, and needs a larger volume of space to operate in. Nevertheless, whatever measurable extent a body may be operating in, it is discharging from itself other bands of energy in an ever-widening radius ad infinitum, and up to the present your scientific minds have not devised an instrument sufficiently sensitive to detect these fields of action.
It is out of these that not only the Discs make their appearance into your lower vibrations, but also such things as ice falls, rains of blood, and materializations of objects and materializations of former living things.
The Discs And Their Intentions
They have often come simply in quest of knowledge, just as you make expeditions to far-off places, to the Polar regions or to Central Asia.
They are not here with intent to interfere in your affairs – nevertheless, if there is another world war, employing nuclear energies, they may be forced to intervene. The release of atomic forces has disturbed their sphere of existence rather seriously.
Let it be understood that if ever such intervention becomes necessary, it will be wholly impersonal. There will be no taking of sides. It is contrary to the Law, that any one plane should interfere with the processes by which another works out its destiny.
They are vastly your superiors in science – though every plane has its special forms of development and progress, so that we speak of differences, but not often of superiority or inferiority.
The Ethereans are large people, up to fifteen feet in height. I would say that they belong to the human order of evolution – that is, you would not call them Devas or Nature Spirits. Yet the great forms you have seen and photographed, in the clouds and on the surface of the earth also, somewhat resemble them.
You ask why they are now suddenly present in large numbers. I shall tell you. Always, when a civilization, a culture has reached its height and is destined to collapse, the Ethereans have appeared in numbers. They come to make an examination and final record, for their own knowledge, of the status of that civilization – somewhat as you might do with disappearing tribes and races. And it is true also that they have been alerted and disturbed by your release of atomic energies. But all past civilizations and races have had their day, and failed in some way, and passed out of earth existence. So with your civilization. The Etherean people came, and observed, and made their historical records. So they come now.
Q & A On Etheric Regions
(Q.) You were speaking of the etheric regions — will you talk more of that? You know that we are having strange sky appearances which, we have been told, originate on etheric levels. We are told there are whole races, civilizations, etc., on these levels, but there seems very little definite information on these regions.
(A.) To me, the etheric regions are the region of life; the astral regions of what you call death is the waiting-hall. If man desires, he can leave the astral after a period of time and enter into the etheric life, and he need not come back here to your physical world if he does not wish, but he can go on to the higher realms of this etheric world. This which I term the ‘etheric’ is the home out of which all physical manifestations come; so it is not to be wondered at that now and then, when necessary, there are projections of various forms into your physical state of consciousness.
(Q.) Would you say that the elementals, the devas, etc., live in the etheric region?
(A.) Yes, but of a different kind. It is also not right to call it ‘low’ — it is merely a different plane of existence, which Nature devised for them.
(Q.) These regions interpenetrate with ours? Answer: Yes.
(Q.) What is the nature of the Etherians? Answer: Just like your physical world — not a replica, but along similar lines.
(Q.) But they have not been on our plane?
(A.) Not those on the higher etheric. I do not know but that at some time some of them may wish to enter into your plane of physical existence; but I do not think they come through your way of birth, but through projection.
(Q.) Will you tell us more about the astral and etheric; and also why anyone should want to come back to the earth? Also, we do not understand the use of the word ‘death’ for astral.
(A.) It is, in my opinion, a bad term; it is demoralizing to the average person — but it is not anything like what the word implies. ‘Death’ — no; it is merely a different form of living. But this door between the astral and etheric and the physical is always left open, because man so desires it. He must have channels between his worlds if he is to learn and progress in knowledge.
It is only because the physical or chemical body seems to go through such distressing states that one often says, ‘I have no desire to come back into the physical’. Now, I feel that if conditions were so that the chemical substances of the body were not subject to these distressing conditions one would enjoy physical living as much as on the other planes. It is only the desire to escape pain, want, and poverty.
(Q.) No doubt; but our conditions probably never will be as good as that.
(A.) No not for those at large; but after you have learned to have complete control and govern the body, then you become a joyful person on any plane of existence, because all planes do have their drawbacks and difficulties.
The Higher Etheric Realms
Let us turn back our minds in what you perceive as time, even to the world’s beginnings. If you were looking with the physical eye, you would see nothing but what would appear to you as a vast endless void; but let us use an eye that is of a higher rate of vibration and look again. Now what would you see? A sight so astounding, so majestic that were you to see it while in the physical body and unprepared, you would indeed go stark mad. For now you are looking into the Etheric world. The size alone of all in it would stagger your imagination. The vibrating, pulsating, iridescent colors, teeming with plant life, the animals and birds; the size and beauty of buildings, libraries, lecture halls, schools of learning, vast cathedrals, giant organs, orchestras consisting of every known instrument on your earth plane and many, many more you, as yet, know nothing of — tens of thousands playing at one time and the music coming from them would make you want to weep your life away with its power and sweetness of tone and perfect harmony; men and women of great height and stature, perfect of body and mind, going about in flowing robes of brilliant colors — some with mighty heads of golden hair, red hair and black hair flowing down their backs in living, gleaming waves, and rich flowing beards that look like fine-spun silk; stately women with skin like living satin and glowing with health.
The air you would breathe would be purer than a babe’s breath, for the air in this world is not particulate, as your scientists feel they know that word. Things do not move around in the manner that one may call directional motion, but by vibration motion only. Perhaps I may make such a condition a bit more clear by saying, being that in essence all forces are really one force, when a thing or person wishes to move, the wish automatically merges the energy force of that thing or person into the thing it or he desires to move to; in other words, it is the motion of the neutron and the proton — a complete exchange of energies, one thing becoming the other thing.
It is only when coming down into the lower etheric that one begins to run into the first stages of particulate substances or directional motion. In the physical, in order for one substance to become something else, there is a change or a rearrangement of the atomic pattern. This is the beginning of what I call directional motion. It is at a period slightly before directional motion that physical man has, for the most part, lost his ability to control substance with mental energy and must of necessity revert to his hands — the hands being extensions of the mind.
Note that I say ‘for the most part’ and not completely; for it is a known fact that there are in India, even in your time, men who have so mastered themselves that they can cause flowers and other plants to grow and blossom right before your eyes. Notice the method employed by these men to accomplish this: a complete trance state. And why a trance state? Simply that they may become the plant. By that I mean their mind substance may enter into the mind substance of the plant seed.
Excerpt from The Coming Of The Guardians by Meade Layne