The Dark Heart Of Communism

The-Dark-Heart-of-Communism-main-4-post“The Communist ideology is to destroy your social order. This has been their aim for 125 years and it has never changed; only the methods have changed a little. When there is detente, peaceful co-existence, and trade, they will still insist: the ideological war must continue! And what is ideological war? It is a concentration of hatred, a continued repetition of the oath to destroy the Western world. Just as in the Roman senate a famous speaker ended every speech with the statement: ‘Furthermore, Carthage must be destroyed,’ so today, with every act—detente, trade, or whatever—the Communist press, as well as thousands of speakers at closed lectures, all repeat: ‘Furthermore, capitalism must be destroyed.’” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Warning To The West


“Communism is as crude an attempt to explain society and the individual as if a surgeon were to perform his delicate operations with a meat ax. All that is subtle in human psychology and in the structure of society (which is even more complex), all of this is reduced to crude economic processes. This whole created being—man—is reduced to matter. It is characteristic that Communism is so devoid of arguments that it has none to advance against its opponents in our Communist countries. It lacks arguments and hence there is the club, the prison, the concentration camp, and insane asylums with forced confinement.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Warning To The West


“…when one travels in your country and sees your free and independent life, all the dangers which I talked about today seem imaginary. I’ve talked to people, and I see this is so. In your wide-open spaces even I get a little infected, the dangers seem somehow unreal. On this continent it is hard to believe all the things which are happening in the world. But, ladies and gentlemen, this carefree life cannot continue in your country any more than in ours. The destinies of our two countries are going to be extremely difficult, and it is better to prepare for this beforehand.

“I understand, I sense that you’re tired. But you have not yet really suffered the terrible trials of the twentieth century which have rained down on the old continent. You’re tired, but not as tired as we are, crushed for sixty years. You’re tired, but the Communists who want to destroy your system are not; they’re not tired at all.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Warning To The West


More Resources:

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederik Engels

The Black Book of Communism by Stephane Courtois, et al.

200 Years Together by Alexander Solzhenitsyn (One of the most banned books of modern times).

Color, Communism, And Common Sense by Manning Johnson

Could Yuval Harari be the reincarnation of Vladimir Lenin as some have speculated? You decide.


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
~ George Santayana

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