As we go through our daily life, sometimes we forget that life is electrical and that nothing is created or destroyed but only changes whether it is physical (third dimensional) phenomena or into and out of other dimensions (fourth dimensional and above) or what we would call the worlds of spirit. We just don’t have the senses to see into those dimensions but just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean they are not there. As we are well aware our senses are based on a very limited span of the electromagnetic spectrum.
This also applies to space phenomena as well, particularly asteroids, comets, and meteors, for instance. They represent good examples of an electrically-based universe of which we only see the occasional physical results; that is the interaction of these cosmic fireballs with our earth, and other solar system objects; their electrical discharge producing common planetary surface features which defy conventional meteor impact theory.
Stuart Talbott, an independent researcher, details his research and conclusions in the following video of how these space phenomena such as asteroids, comets, and meteors validates the Electric Universe model and more.
This phenomena displays how even in ancient times, such as Sodom and Gomorrah, it can ravage planet Earth, enough so that it becomes part of myth retold through the centuries.
For more on the Electric Universe see here.
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