Unariun Wisdom

The Immunization Gambit

by Val Valerian

The term “immunization” was derived from the belief that the injection of a foreign body of infection into the human system (which already possesses a natural immune system) will confer life-long immunity from a specific disease. The word immunization is synonymous with the word – inoculation. Despite this belief, there has always existed the observation that immunizations cause disease, and it is considered heresy in the medical community to make mention of this fact.

Immunizations also are responsible, according to some medical experts, for many health problems. Dr. Herbert Snow, senior surgeon at the Cancer Hospital of London, once stated that immunization or inoculation causes permanent disease to the heart. This information, according to author Eustace Mullins, also exists in the Library of Congress, buried.

Judicial Awards For Vaccine-Caused Injury

A recent court case in Kansas is only one example of how “immunizations” can be deadly. An eight year old girl was awarded over $15 million in damages after receiving a DPT (diptheria-pertussis-tetanus) immunization which gave her permanent brain damage at the age of three years old. The producer of the DPT vaccine, Wyeth Laboratories, attempted to deny that the damage was caused solely by the DPT vaccine, but the lawyers proved their case to the satisfaction of judge and jury (1990 Graham vs Wyeth Labs).

The magazine Science is well known for its exposition of scientific discoveries in the areas of medicine. In the March 4, 1977 issue, researchers Jonas and Darrell Salk warned that, “Live virus vaccines against influenza or poliomyelitis may in each instance produce the disease it intended to prevent … the live virus against measles and mumps may produce such side effects as encephalitic (brain damage).”

In the magazine Health Freedom News, July/August 1986, an article noted that “Vaccine is linked to brain damage. 150 lawsuits are pending against DPT vaccine manufacturers seeking $1.5 billion in damages.”

At the annual AMA Convention in 1955, the Surgeon General of the United States, Leonard Scheele, said that “no batch of vaccine can be proven safe before it is given to children.” James R. Shannon of the National Institutes of Health declared that “the only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used.”

In the United States and many other countries, there are compulsory immunization programs for children. Because of the financial prospects, physicians are asking that children be vaccinated earlier in their lives. It is no small coincidence that the agencies responsible for the promotion of immunizations, such as the CDC, FDA, AMA and the WHO are also involved with the large drug firms who. . make it their business to treat the diseases the vaccines cause. It is also these same agencies that have drafted the procedures which forced the states to enact compulsory immunization legislation. Interestingly enough, in the early 1900’s, physicians were more vocal on the dangers of the immunization process.

In 1909, Massachusetts enacted Bill No. 8, which was an “Act To Prohibit Compulsory Vaccine”; a legislative triumph, to be sure. In order to prevent such logical and rational thought from gaining a foothold, Rockefeller interests perfected the means for controlling every state legislature in the United States by setting up the Council for State Governments in Chicago. No state legislature has ever failed to follow its dictates.

The Smallpox Gambit

In the 1800’s Edward Jenner “discovered” that cowpox vaccine would supposedly inoculate persons against the 18th century scourge of smallpox. In fact, by the time Jenner made this “discovery”, smallpox was already on the wane. After the use of cowpox vaccine became widespread in England, a smallpox epidemic broke out which killed over 22,000 people. The epidemics became worse each year that the vaccine was used. In 1872, over 44,000 people were killed by it. England finally banned the vaccine in 1948.

Japan initiated compulsory vaccine for smallpox in 1872. Within twenty years, there were over 165,000 cases of smallpox; these resulted in the death of almost 30,000 people.

Germany, during the Nazi regime, instituted compulsory immunization for diptheria. In 1939 the diptheria rate went up to 150,000 cases. Norway, which never had compulsory immunization, had only 50 cases for the same period. During the Franco-Prussian War, every German soldier was vaccinated against smallpox. The result was that 53,288 otherwise healthy men developed smallpox.

Polio Vaccine

The most unknown victim of polio was my own father; the most famous polio victim was Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1931, during the annual polio epidemic, Roosevelt officially endorsed an “immune serum” which was a precursor of the polio vaccines of the 1950’s. The serum was sponsored by Dr. Linsly Williams, director of the New York Academy of Medicine, which was built by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations. After Williams announced during the FDR campaign that Roosevelt was fit to be President, Williams was appointed the Secretary of Health. The “immune serum” against polio was known to be dangerous and worthless when Roosevelt endorsed it. The National Health Institute of the U.S. Public Health Service had experimented with monkeys for three years using this identical serum. The serum was used and several children died from it.

The New York State Commissioner of Health, who owed his appointment to Roosevelt, refused to hold hearings to validate the serum, while Roosevelt continued to reap the rewards of “charity” from his Warm Springs Foundation and his annual birthday balls celebrating the polio epidemic. In 1948 it was discovered that the intake of sugar had a direct relation to the virulence of the polio outbreaks. Cases fell tremendously, after this was briefly publicized. By 1950, people forgot this fact, and the polio toll rose to the 1948 level. Polio has increased 700% in states which have compulsory immunization.

There were a considerable number of lawsuits filed against drug companies in connection with the various types of polio vaccine. A suit involving the type Sabin Polio Vaccine was filed against Wyeth Labs was judged in favor of the plaintiff. A suit against Lederle Lab involving Orimune Vaccine was settled in 1962 for $10,000.

In two cases involving Parke-Davis Labs and their polio product Quadrigen, the product was found to be defective. In 1962, Parke-Davis halted production. Dr. William Kock declared that “the injection of any serum, vaccine, or even penicillin has shown a very marked increase in the incidence of polio, at least by 400%.”

Polio vaccine has now been accepted as a fact of life by the American public, which derives considerable comfort from the gradual disappearance of the annual scare campaign at the beginning of each summer. On January 26, 1988, the Washington Post featured a story that reported on a national press conference held in Washington where it was reported that all cases of polio since 1979 had been caused by the polio vaccine. It said, “In fact, all the cases in America come from the vaccine. The ‘naturally occurring’ (or ‘wild type’) polio virus has not been shown to cause a single case of polio in the United States since 1979.” Despite this, the Post reported that “no radical change is expected”. The status quo is very appealing, according to conference chairman Dr. Fred Robbins.

Cutter Laboratories, a subsidiary of Bayer A.G. in Germany (a spinoff from I.G. Farben), was a California firm which was set up to produce polio vaccine in order to protect the Rockefeller controlled drug firms from lawsuits. Most of the faulty polio vaccine was said to be produced by Cutter.

Influenza Vaccine

It was in 1918 during the First World War that immunization for influenza was compulsory for all servicemen. That was the same year of the “great flu epidemic”. Military hospitals in 1918 were filled with more men who were casualties of the flu vaccine than from actions that were attributed to war. The epidemic was termed “the Spanish Influenza”, a term intended to conceal its origin.

The influenza epidemic of 1918 claimed over 20 million lives; those who survived it were those who had refused the vaccine. It began at a military base in Kansas.

According to the 1991 edition of the Physicians Desk Reference, the annual flu vaccine, Fluogen, is made by the firm of Parke-Davis Labs. The formulation is derived from the recommendation of the Office of Biologics, Federal Drug Administration. The basis for each years formulation by the FDA remains unknown. During the winter of 1991/92 there were record pleas for people to get vaccinated for the flu virus (as there are each year). It was also a record year for people who were killed or incapacitated from the flu vaccine. Coincidence?

The Great Swine Flu Massacre of 1976

On April 15, 1976, Congress passed Public Law 94-266, which provided $135 million to pay for the national swine flu inoculation campaign. Under this campaign, which was heavily promoted by President Gerald Ford, the Department of Health Education and Welfare distributed the vaccine to state and local health agencies on a national basis so that individuals could get vaccinated at no charge.

On the surface, this might appear to be the height of altruism, but in actuality it was one of the largest and most scandalous public deceptions ever thrust on the American public. Research indicates that the swine flu vaccine was originally developed for use in the swine breeding industry. Swine breeders were wary of vaccines because they had noticed a parallel developing with human vaccines where individuals would acquire the disease the vaccine was developed to prevent. Swine breeders were also stunned when vaccinated pigs collapsed and died. They feared decimation of their herds because of the vaccine; the breeders balked, so the drug manufacturers turned to the Centers For Disease Control in Atlanta for help in recouping the monetary investment – marketing the swine flu vaccine to humans.

The Swine flu campaign sponsored by President Ford got off to a bad start when Dr. Anthony Morris, director of the Virus Bureau at the Food and Drug Administration, declared that “there could be no authentic swine flu vaccine” because there had never been any cases of swine flu on which they could test it. He then went public with a statement as to the lack of effectiveness of the vaccine.

In order to control the damage to the program done by the public revelations of Dr. Morris, a television program sponsored by CBS was aired. It featured President Ford, who put forth urgent pleas to the American public to get themselves vaccinated against the dreaded “swine flu”.

Ford spoke to as estimated 215 million people in that broadcast, and like lemmings over a cliff they filed down to their local health agencies and were injected, despite statements by various major insurance companies that they would not insure the drug firms against possible lawsuits from the vaccine. It didn’t take long for lawsuits to occur. Within two months, claims totaling over a billion dollars had been filed by people who experienced a strange, creeping paralysis induced by the vaccine. Since this kind of paralysis was a new development, referred to as Guillain-Barre Syndrome by the medical establishment, there have been speculations that the epidemic of AIDS which began shortly after Fords public assurances about the swine flu was a variation of the swine flu vaccine. In Matrix II, however, we presented a document which was the title sheet of the 1970 Defense Appropriations Bill (for 1971) in which $10 million was set aside for the development of a retrovirus that humans would have no immunity against – essentially a biological weapon. There is also an extract detailing some of the conversation that occurred between some of the members of Congress who were discussing this matter. Based on the apparent evidence, you must decide for yourself about the origin of AIDS. One thing for sure – with the consistent track record of lies and deceit that the government and the medical establishment has handed the public over time, you can be sure that whatever they are telling you isn’t the case.

Connections Between Smallpox Vaccine And Cancer

Another aspect of the smallpox vaccine is its possible relationship to the spread of various forms of cancer. A physician by the name of Dr. W.B. Clark in Indiana finds that “cancer was practically unknown until compulsory immunization with cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with at least two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.” Despite this revelation, the American Cancer Society will not follow up on this lead.

At the annual American Cancer Society Science Writers Seminar, Dr. Robert W. Simpson of Rutgers University warned that “immunization programs against flu, measles, mumps, and polio may actually be seeding humans with RNA to form proviruses which will then become latent cells throughout the body … they can then become activated as a variety of diseases including lupus, cancer, rheumatism and arthritis.” This reflects very closely what Dr. Herbert Snow of London had noticed. The vaccine, in effect becomes a time-bomb in the system, festering as what are known as “slow viruses”, which may take ten to thirty years to become virulent. When the time comes, the person is felled by a fatal onslaught, often with no prior warning, whether it is a heart attack or some other disease.

Covert Research In Biological Weapons For Population Management

There have been programs going on behind the scenes that the public is generally not aware of to produce a series of substances generally capable of the complete destruction of whole populations. There are indications that Fort Detrick has been conducting this kind of work under the cover of cancer research. Colonel William D. Tigertt, former commander of the Army’s medical unit at Fort Detrick, stated:

“Those who would increase the potency of biologica1 weapons must search for improved methods of mass production of organisms, factors which will enhance the virulence, ways to prolong the storage life of living agents, ways to improve aerosol stability, and methods of producing variant organisms by recombination or by other means.”

This is the general mind set we are dealing with in the United States government. How did this process slip by the public? In 1969, Nixon ordered a halt to offensive biological warfare (BW) research and weapons stockpiling by the United States. The U.S. Army was directed to destroy its toxins, viruses, and bacteria (supposedly) with heat and disinfectants by May 1972; the planned “disposal” of the scientific personnel associated with the program was not so easy. Some of these “biowarriors” went to the CIA. Others quickly found new support from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), particularly in its Virus Cancer Program (VCP).

The NCI funded and supervised some of the same scientists, universities, and contracting corporations (supposedly for cancer research) which had conducted biological warfare research. Some of these medical research contracts ran simultaneously with the U.S. Biological Warfare program. When the military work ended, the civilian programs continued to expand on the same critical areas outlined by Colonel Tigertt.

The NCI Viral Cancer Program – a highly politicized public relations effort – was launched in 1971 (the same year that the AIDS virus was allegedly created under a mandate from the WHO) with great fanfare as part of the “war on cancer” sponsored by Nixon. The stated aim of the program was to organize experiments aimed at finding the “viruses that cause cancer”. Apparently this dubious agenda was compatible with the incorporation into the various units of the VCP of dozens of former U.S. BW researchers who continued to study topics with potential military application. Potential cancer-causing viruses were collected, grown in huge amounts, and distributed through the VCP; thousands of animals were infected in experiments, and the aerosol distribution of cancer causing viruses was also studied.

Two former BW facilities would play a large part in the VCP. The U.S. Army’s Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland has been the “parent research and pilot center for biological warfare.” During the 1960s, the CIA paid the facility $100,000 a year for BW and chemical agents and their delivery systems. In Oakland, California, the Naval Biosciences Laboratory was involved in early work with the plague and collaborated in massive open-air tests of biologica1 warfare “simulates” in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1950’s.

From 1953 to 1968, the University of California, while managing the Naval Biosciences Lab (NBL), also had BW contracts with the Army. After U.S. Treaty obligations under the Geneva Convention Agreement of 1972 took effect, work of this kind would prohibit open research on mass production of dangerous viruses without a medical “cover”.

The Viral Cancer Program provided an ideal “cover” for continued work. One of the first new priorities of the Fort Detrick facility after the ban was the “large-scale production of oncogenic (cancer-causing) viruses.”

Within a year, the NCI began mass production and within one 15 month period ending in June 1977, five years after the U.S. had signed an agreement not to produce these products, the VCP produced 60,000 liters of cancer-causing and immunosupressive viruses. Throughout the 1970’s, U.S. “defensive” BW efforts were increasingly aimed at the research and development of viral disease agents.

The Viral Cancer contract ran concurrently with the Naval Biosciences Laboratory’s work on bubonic plague, Rift Valley fever, and meningitis. The NBL also performed much of the original research into the plague during World War II. In retrospect, it seems that the Navy has had top funding for every field of science, including research in gravitation and other areas in physics and biology, since it has always been the key factor in the defense of the United States since its very inception. You will recall that the Navy has had apparent roles in the alleged work at Dreamland on alien craft and had an important part in all the Project Rainbow and Phoenix Projects.

The Naval Biosciences Laboratory Cell Culture Project was supervised for the VCP by Dr. James Duff and Dr. Jack Gruber. Duff had been a microbiologist at Fort Detrick for 12 years before joining the NCI. His biography lists research into clostridium botulinum toxins and psittacosis vaccines. Botulinum toxins cause botulism food poisoning and are among the most toxic substances known. It was during the period when Duff was at Fort Detrick that the U.S.Army stockpiled botulinum toxin weapons.

After serving for eight years at Fort Detrick, Gruber moved to the NCU. His biography lists work on “arthropod borne viruses”. The United States stockpiled BW weapons based on one arthropod-borne virus and studied many others. In 1984, Gruber became head of the Cancer Etiology Division of the National Institutes of Health.

After the ban on offensive BW research, the National Cancer Institute and the Office of Naval Research jointly sponsored experiments on the aerosol properties of potentially oncogenic viruses. The NCI project officer and former U.S. Air Force virologist, Dr. Alfred Hellman, worked with Mark Chatigny, a research worker at NBL and a member of the NCI biohazards work group from the NBL.

Hellman also oversaw the 1971 $100,000 study on the “physical and biological characteristics of viral aerosols”. In 1961, the NBL had done similar research for Fort Detrick on the “stability and virulence of BW aerosols.” Chatigny’s NBL research into aerosol distribution of viruses would continue into the 1980’s. Such overlapping of purposes raises serious questions about the wisdom of placing control of VCP viruses under the NBL.

The pattern of overlapping military BW and NCI work was paralleled by the relationship between industrial contractors and the Viral Cancer Program. Charles Pfizer and Company, a pharmaceutical firm, had a contract with the NCI which included production of “a large quantity of a variety of viruses” for the VCP. The immunosuppressive Mason-Pfizer monkey virus was grown in large quantity, and other animal cancer viruses were adapted to grow in human cell lines.

During the same period – 1961 to 1971- as the NCI contractor, Pfizer conducted a secret study for the U.S. Army “into the growth and culture media for unspecified biological agents.”

As of January 1992, Pfizer is the sixth largest drug company in the world. It does over $4 billion a year, according to Standard and Poor’s. The company banks with Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank. Pfizers chairman, Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., was controller of IBM from 1949 to 1962; he is now a director of Chase Manhattan Bank, GM, and International Paper. Some of the directors of Pfizer are Grace J. Flippenger, secretary-treasurer of the $10 billion a year NYNEX Corporation and Paul A. Marks, chief of the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center since 1980 and a director of cancer treatment at the National Cancer Institute, director of the American Association for Cancer Research and a director of the $100 million Revson Foundation.

In 1971, when Nixon announced that Fort Detrick would be converted into a center for cancer research, the buildings were decontaminated and the facilities were turned over to the NCI, which renamed the facility the Frederick Cancer Research Center. Litton-Bionetics (formerly Bionetics Research from 1966-1968) was named as the prime contractor. Litton-Bionetics worked extensively on the dispersion of BW agents from aircraft, and included Air Force contracts for “the supersonic delivery of dry biological agents”.

One of Bionetics Research Laboratories’ most important NCI contracts was a massive virus inoculation program that began in 1962 and ran until at least 1976, and used more than 2,000 monkeys. Dr. Robert Gallo, the controversial head of the current United States AIDS research program at NCI and Dr. Jack Gruber were project officers for the inoculation program. The monkeys were injected with everything from human cancer to rare viruses in an effort to find a transmissible cancer. Many of these monkeys died from immunosuppression after infection with the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus, the first known immunosuppressive retrovirus – a class of viruses that includes the human immunodeficiency virus.

Under these programs, “species barriers” were routinely breached in efforts to find or create infectious cancer viruses. This illustrates another aspect of the NCI BW program. Zoonoses, diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans, make up the majority of BW agents.

Now, although the Center for Disease Control has continued to insist that poverty, environment, and insects all have absolutely nothing to do with AIDS transmission, they sponsored an advertisement in the May 1987 issue of Science magazine seeking a research entomologist who would study “the role of biting arthropods [bugs] in transmitting human immunodeficiency (AIDS) virus”. The fact that covert research in this area has been conducted for some years under government contracts seems to have been overlooked.

There are other inconsistencies. Dr. John Seale, of Richmond, Virginia presided at a conference June 11, 1987, in which he stated positively, that “AIDS is not a sexually transmitted disease. It is a contagious disease which is also transmitted in blood.” He denounced Dr. Gallo of the National Institute of Health and the Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. Everett Koop, for deliberately spreading disinformation about the disease.

Dr. Gallo was originally famed as having “discovered” the humano-immunio-deficiency virus, HIV, which he claimed was the cause of AIDS. After Gallo’s discovery, the NIH strangely and consistently denied funds to any scientist whose work failed to bear Gallo’s claims.

One of the researchers who was to come into conflict with Dr. Gallo over the “HIV” controversy was Dr. Peter Duesberg, professor of virology at the University of California at Berkeley. Duesberg is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences. He had been brought to Gallo’s own laboratory to work under a fellowship grant.

After studying HIV in the same laboratory where Gallo had claimed to have made his monumental findings, Duesberg concluded that the HIV virus did not meet the standard criteria for a disease-causing agent. He published his findings in the medial journal Cancer Research, in March 1987 and sat back to wait for Gallo to justify his conclusions. Gallo made no reply, and also refused to return telephone calls. Despite the claims of Gallo, research indicates that the HIV virus is present only in about half of all AIDS cases, a factor which Dr. Gallo will not explain. It is obvious at this point that the massive government testing program for the presence of HIV is a deliberate fraud being perpetrated by some elements within society on other elements in order to prolong the presence of this virus and the destruction of a significant part of the human population by this genetically engineered virus.

It is quite clear from the preceding material that many diseases are introduced into society deliberately to reduce the human population, while at the same time producing enormous sums of money for the chemical, drug, and banking industries, as well as all the ancillary support industries.

Excerpt from Matrix III, Volume One (published 1992)