The Psychic Anatomy Development Concept ~ Part II
It is within this psychic anatomy development concept that we find the true kernel of truth in evolution and
which was unknown by Darwin or any succeeding contemporaries! That is, true evolution takes place only within the psychic anatomy, the external or physical body—the expressionary agent.
For example, with a former presentation of Charlie, the amoeba: in his natural habitat, a watery pond, Charlie lives in a temperature of, say approximately 70 degrees F. However, if we begin to raise the temperature of his watery environment, we can in the succeeding weeks, see the progenies of the great, great, great, great-grandchildren of Charlie live in a water temperature which would have quickly killed good old Charlie! Now the tolerance factor was not passed on to the succeeding generation through the DNA molecule, which was only a secondary transmitting or oscillating element. The tolerance factor was information impounded in the psychic anatomy of each succeeding generation of amoebas; energy referring back to the same oscillating polarity exchange and the subsequent harmonic regeneration which impounded these harmonic fractions within the psychic anatomy, to again regenerate under the same closed-circuit conditions into the succeeding amoeba body, this tolerance factor.
To better understand this closed circuit condition and how, as in the case of a human, a malformed anomaly (or vortex) is formed in the psychic anatomy, we may refer to the original chart in the second Lesson Course where, as a block diagram, the psychic anatomy was sectionalized in three portions and linked to consciousness with a single oscillation for each portion.
To more properly and clearly define a closed-circuit oscillating-condition, we should substitute a wave-form circle instead of a straight-line wave-form which would connect consciousness with that particular portion of the psychic anatomy. We should also draw a fourth section or portion which would represent the entire physical body abstraction as it was so compounded in the psychic anatomy. These portions, as we have called them, would actually represent spectrums of energy oscillations which, according to their frequency, would automatically relegate or confine them in that particular spectrum. The net sum and total as a configuration or portion would then become its base-plane-rate of oscillation. This base-plane-rate of oscillation would then be oscillating in its entirety with the physical anatomy as a closed-circuit condition wherein all wave-form elements containing their respective information would be, through frequency, linked to all cell structures in the anatomy, these cell structures representing specific organs, bone structures, etc.
There are billions of cells in the human anatomy, each one linked through oscillating frequency or as a harmonic frequency, to the psychic anatomy and in a closed-circuit condition; that is, constantly and at all times, the net-total information necessary for a cell to live and perform its extremely complex function, to propagate through mitosis or fission, is so flowing into this cell during its entire life-span. The net sum and total of this wave-form-information again harmonically regenerates a primary or base-plane oscillation. This cellular base-plane-rate vibration is the key in understanding the proposition of rejection in transplanting a kidney from one human to another. These net base plane-rate oscillations are all different in every human—save identical twins. The leukocytes (or white blood cells) also have a base-plane-rate vibration which must be harmonically in tune with every cell in that particular anatomy, otherwise the leukocytes will destroy by eating any cell or similar organism with which it is not in harmonic attunement!
This is the principle of rejection, as not yet understood by doctors who make transplants of kidneys, livers, hearts, etc., and then over the succeeding days and weeks, watch their patients die as the leukocytes literally eat the transplanted organ! If we speculate, perhaps someday doctors will learn about this most important principle and from this knowledge, build an electronic oscillator which could change the harmonic patterns of these base-plane rate frequencies to correspond with those of the displaced or transplanted organ. Perhaps too, in that future day the doctors would find the true cause of that kidney failure or any other systemic breakdown.
It is at this point we will conclude our entire presentation with this most important factor: the how and why the different organs break down and become diseased or to whatever other systemic disorder is so manifest, excluding those of pathogenic origin, caused more specifically from germ organisms. As of today, there are hundreds of incurable diseases which beset mankind, any and all of which no doctor, no scientist, no biologist can give the true originating cause!—and which has been so emphatically installed and reinstated in the Unariun concept; and as these causes all originate in the psychic anatomy from previous earth lives wherein certain shocks induced into the psychic anatomy under closed-circuit conditions, the malformed energy information which, in the timeless fourth dimension, and as part of the psychic anatomy could, would, and did repeat their destructive information into the physical anatomy according to the interplay of harmonic patterns stemming into the affected cell tissue areas, to again destructively recreate a facsimile of non-constructive expression which eventually destroyed that part or organ of the human anatomy.
If a person is killed by a bullet, a spear, an arrow, etc., the repercussion at that particular moment of impact from the death weapon creates a tremendous electrical surcharge of energy which, traveling on the composite energy waveform- matrix into the psychic anatomy, creates an anomaly of unrelated, unintelligent, non-reciprocative elements which, in some future day, will conversely reflect and re-express themselves into the physical anatomy; a consequence that can be relived from one life to the next with an ever increasing indemnity.
This, then, is karma, but finally taken from the realm of religious or mystical interpretations, the direct and scientific implication is the evolutionary process of life—an implication that immediately demands a complete moral responsibility for all humans; for indeed in the present, in this thought and action which is incumbent with the present, is the future formulated!—a future to live or die as we so choose, either in the throes of some violent incomprehensible death or with torturous years filled with wretched pain and suffering.
In the grand scale of evolution as it is so formulated and as it so manifests in the endless successive interchange of expressionary elements manifest as polarity patterns, there is always the ever-increasing necessity to constantly re-express a proportional positive bias.
Call it inspiration, call it recognition of a higher Intelligence, or call it the best attributes of life, it will still be the positive biasing agent—a fuel to propel the human soul into a higher state of consciousness, or conversely, the lack of such bias leaves such a soul flatulent, unresponsive and sinking ever deeper into the negative—a negative which is unrelated and unbalanced by a positive interplay and will, in itself, be destructive!
Excerpt from Tempus Invictus
See Part I here.
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