The Psychic Anatomy Of Man ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
The future therefore mandates that you should be more consciously aware of this “conscience” or the “small still voice”, and it should be developed, which will, in consequence, materially aid in developing the superconscious for the superconscious represents a much higher and more nearly perfect life expression than does your lower mental conscious life expression as a sum and total of your personal life expression.
Now getting back to the chair, we have partly completed the cycle of seeing. Various energy wave forms have entered the subconscious and have mingled with other associated factors concerned with chairs. The process here, however, is not complete; this mingling regenerates another set of harmonics. These harmonics contain information or pictures of these various association factors but they vibrate at a different frequency. They will then travel over highway “B” and mingle with associated factors of chairs in the mental consciousness. Here the process is repeated except that these association factors of chairs will go back into all previous lifetimes where you had associations with chairs. This is very important to remember.
If in some previous lifetime you had been tied in a chair and had been tortured to death in that chair,
you would express a certain subconscious reaction, negatively speaking, toward any chair with which you came in contact. In fact, sitting in a chair might even produce certain physical reactions or manifestations. This is because the mingling and regeneration in the mental consciousness then regenerates a third set of harmonics which travel over highway “C” into various vortexal layers of brain cells in different portions of the brain which, when combined with the present external or physical association factors will, in a sense, recreate the past episode or torture.
This effect is called biasing or influencing. It is very important to remember this biasing principle, for all of the various undetermined mental and physical diseases of mankind are caused by these biases appearing in the present surface lives from out of the past lifetimes.
They can always be determined on the basis as having their originating causes as psychic shocks or very negative experiences such as sword-thrusts, gunshot wounds, explosions, hangings and an innumerable host of violent experiences which have usually been suffered by every human being in these past lifetimes and who may be living at this time hopelessly because we do not have doctors who know the true cause and origin of these incurable diseases. People will continue to become hopelessly ill until we develop a healing science which can diagnose and determine the original causes of all presently incurable human malfunctions.
The cause of this new healing science will be further strengthened in the next discussion. We will point out the various dominant psychic factors involved in evolution or reincarnation as it concerns mankind individually or collectively in respect to the host of incurable conditions which presently plague mankind.
Certain symptoms or conditions are, symptomatically speaking, indications of previous lifetime psychic shocks; diagnosis then will proceed along lines quite similar to presently-existing medical and psychiatric practices except we shall extend this diagnosis to include various past lifetimes where these psychic shocks occurred which caused the present aberration.
While the third set of harmonics are being generated in the mental conscious vortex, a fourth set of harmonics are also generated from the sum and total of these various other regenerations. This fourth set of harmonics also contain the exact energy information. They are, however, much more highly attuned; this enables them to travel into the superconscious vortex. This superconscious vortex being partly composed of Infinity will therefore, as a consequence, combine with this new set of harmonics and thus be polarized or form a chord structure which will, in turn, as part of the vortex, continually regenerate simultaneously in two directions; back into the mental consciousness, where it becomes part of the bias and the “small still voice” of conscience, and partly it will oscillate or regenerate into the total of Infinity. In this direction, regeneration will create other biasing agents which, when they are mingled into or regenerated into the various mental conscious biasing agents, will give the external conscious mind a certain inspirational value, a vague undetermined quality of faith or the inward knowing of the higher worlds and which are re-expressed in physical consciousness as mystical forces.
Remembering also that this individual has had a number of spiritual lives between earth lives where he learned to some extent of this vast Infinite and in some cases, setting up a certain determined course of action which he would express in the next physical life, this is what people sometimes refer to as fate. Even though a person cannot consciously remember as having done so, he will quite often perform an experience believing that some vague undetermined power had forced him to do this although it was he, himself, who had previously set up this course of action for himself.
Many otherwise unexplained happenings in people’s lives can thus be easily justified. There are no gods or forces who determine or make your fate; that is, unless you permit some subastral force to do so, and in this position, you are then obsessed.
Remember that it is your supreme prerogative always to determine your course of action which is not found or expressed in the animal or vegetable kingdom where all identities are more universally expressed as common constituents of cyclic evolution.
In this respect then, at least, man is quite different than even a chimpanzee. You alone are your own judge, your jury, and you could become your own executioner if you continue on in that vague undetermined and unrealistic way which many people are doing; reacting only upon the necessity of the moment and being fairly forced into escaping the consequences of this dereistic pattern by the generation of tremendous psychic pressures known as guilt complexes.
It is much more realistic to approach life intelligently, learn its true construction and function and then to select such elements which can be used to weave for ourselves a beautiful tapestry of life and in which we can clothe ourselves in the higher spiritual worlds. As we have stated, this course of action must eventually be taken by every individual, otherwise he will revert back into the subastral.
Excerpt from The Infinite Concept Of Cosmic Creation
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