The Reformation ~ The Liberation of Man – Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Now getting back to our original discussion in this great age of reformation and liberation, the field of music was also very fortunately blessed with a flood of personages from the planes of Shamballa. What other age has produced such names as Brahms, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt? The age of opera, as it came into being then, has never before been equaled in the history of earth. The musical composers and exponents of these operatic arts, known by the names of Puccini, Poncelli, are but a few illustrious names, if you will pardon me for mentioning them again, who have been given in
previous transmissions; however, all of this must be brought out and favorably placed at this time; so please bear with me. In the more pure philosophical vein, we find great and luminous minds typified by Leibnitz, John Locke, Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant, Mesmer, Hartley, Descartes, Condorcet, Carlyle, Emerson, Hume, etc. Incidentally, your own American philosopher is here with me this evening, standing by in your dimension and helping to interpret my little speech.
Emerson was very vitally connected with your father in his earth life reincarnation, and they are very closely connected in a friendly way in Aureleus. May I add, too, that your father has met Emanuel Swedenborg and is very happy at the occasion to be constantly in his company; and do not feel a loss, for I caught your thought immediately. I may say that you also were quite close to Swedenborg in a previous reincarnation on the earth plane; and you are largely expressing, just as he did, some of the unfinished philosophies and works in the spiritual domain, which he was unable to complete fully or to explain at his time. It is your previous training and work on the earth at this time which is enabling Swedenborg to gain a great deal of happiness, because your being on the earth now was very carefully planned, and is vitally pertinent to the time and place of evolution in the history of the world, as it is transpiring at the present time.
Do not be alarmed if your writing and work and collaborations at the present time do not meet with the outstanding success which you anticipate; but rest assured that they will be a very definite part of the basic spiritual structures of the world to come. Thus, you see your work is not only of yourself; rather it is a great plan and a collaboration of these great luminous minds which lived in the period of Reformation in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. It matters little that you could be called a reincarnation of Swedenborg; but it matters much that the truths and philosophies in which you and Swedenborg are so vitally interested and concerned in spreading in the world are necessarily expounded at this particular time and place. That is of utmost importance; personalities fall by the
wayside. It was no happenstance that you were born into the family and into the period of time nor that your father almost immediately took up the study of the philosophy of Swedenborg through the many years of your childhood. You were spiritually in contact with your very worthy colleagues here in Aureleus, as you left us to migrate to the earth. For your own part as a personality, I would say that you too, although I will not tell you of such identity, were and are one of the minds of whom I have spoken in the previous age; that you have lived in other incarnations in history to bring into the expression of mankind at that particular moment, some segment or fragment of truth that would best serve man in his own place.
Now in our discussion of the philosophers in our period of the Reformation, for obvious reasons I could mention only a small number; however, some of the more prominent names I have given. Spinoza was also one who contributed a great deal of wealth to the philosophical world. If you study the various philosophies of these different minds and individuals, you will find that there are rather wide differences. For instance, John Locke is credited with being the Father of Empiricism, in which he expressed the concept of man as coming into the world with a blank mind, upon which the experiences and the relationships
of his experiences upon the earth related him into his intelligent and functional pattern of life. This in itself has contributed something to your present science of psychiatry and psychology. However, it does not go into the more purely spiritual dimensions as expressed by Swedenborg, who was factual enough to say that the soul did not exist in the body; instead man was so integrated with the supreme spiritual consciousness of God Himself that many experiences or facets of his individual life were contrived by Divine expression. We could say with Leibnitz, who postulated his monadic theory, that here again man was God Himself expressing himself in the inward consciousness in a different way.
If we examine the philosophies of Jesus, here too we find the inward consciousness, the continuity of intelligence, as expressed from the inward nature of man himself into the higher celestial dimensions of the universal spiritual world about him. Now, other obvious facts remain with the study and pursuance of the philosophical ideologies of these different personages. Even though the philosophy of Jesus himself was not sufficient to satisfy the needs of the whole world, yet it has remained the one philosophy which has exerted the greatest influence over the greatest numbers and masses of people and has endured for a longer time than has any other philosophy.
However, for each Christian, there may be a thousand or more people of different nationalities or races who never heard of Christ and who derive their spiritual inspirations from Buddha or Krishna or Mohammed or some other spiritual personage. Perhaps Zoroaster or some derivative of the Zoroastrian concept influences the motivations and purposes of many individuals or races of people. Here again we must draw a parallel and in studying the philosophies and spiritual ideologies, compounded into these various factional expressions, we are struck by this strange parallel: all cases with the highest expression of the spiritual virtues bear a striking similarity, and therefore they may be said to spring from the one eminent source. So who is to challenge the question of whether it is Buddha, Mohammed, or Christ. All in all, we
must say that man, in his destiny, relies more purely on his inward consciousness and his inward attunement in relating himself to the higher dimensions and realms of life; and in such relationships he comes into the fullest and most conscious expression and concept in his evolution. Consequently, I might say to those who would read these lines, for even in your day, there are many who are clamoring loudly from the steps of their various churches, with or without spires, from the tents of their revivalist meetings, or from other rabbinical structures that you can find your salvation only through the doorway of this temple or that shrine. Heed not the cry of the exponent, for he himself must find a new doorway before he can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. To the
priest or religious expressionist, I may say that individually or personally you will never come to the end of your evolution of time; nor will you see the end of the various derivations of philosophies and esoterical ideologies which relate you to these different spiritual dimensions.
No, friends, the end will not be in sight for thousands, yea, hundreds of thousands of years; so look not for salvation in this your own present life nor in the different evolutions to come. Your own salvation remains entirely upon the concept of the life force which is within you, the force which comes from the great Central Fountainhead, the Life Force of God himself. Do not think that I am saying that you should not heed the works or read the words of wisdom and knowledge as they are contained and compounded in the books and philosophies which exist on the earth plane; as Kung Fu would say, ‘The longest journey begins with the first step.’ Each one in his soul evolution must begin first to learn to think constructively by beginning constructive and intelligent evaluation of life principles as they exist within his own mentality.
So, friends and dear ones, read the books of the great libraries, the academies, and the universities of the earth plane. Listen to the words of knowledge and wisdom which come from the temples and from the other places; and although they may be words of wisdom and they may be truths which are compounded in your world and in your time, yet they are only as small stones at your feet on the pathway of life. They must be properly understood and evaluated, otherwise they could seriously impede your progress, for it is thus conceived in the Divine Mind that each man must find his own pathway, his own evolution.
So until such further time, I am very grateful to be of assistance in expressing some of the concepts and some of the knowledge which we have found to exist in the spiritual side of life from one of the centers of Shamballa. I give my humble observance and gratitude to the collaborators in this transmission: Maha Chohan, Gamaliel, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and others for helping me to integrate, to inspire, and to stimulate your mind in the process of reason and wisdom, so that this transmission could be fully contained and recorded. Until such further time, your loving friend and brother. ~ Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Excerpt from The Voice of Hermes
See Part I here.
Posted in Book Excerpts, True History of Man, Voice of Hermeswith 2 comments.
thanks- and as always; FANTASTIC NICE/GOOD illustrations/pictures along these articles on those sites here. SUPER!
Hi Rune,
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