The Truth About Mars – Disney Connection
Shortly after the publication (of the Truth About Mars), by about two years, Disney Studios brought out a short movie about Mars in which w
ere depicted the huge, domed, underground cities and connecting tunnels, all done as a colored cartoon feature. Shortly afterward, Disney actually produced, as an exhibit in Disneyland, a Martian home. Could Walt Disney have obtained and read The Truth About Mars?
During the 1950s, books were sent by two, or more, Unariun students to many prominent and well-known personalities in the United States; yet, at the moment, it is not known whether one was mailed to Walt Disney or not but very likely so. Also, these books were placed in the public libraries immediately upon their publication. Mention might be made here, too, that these first UN.AR.I.U.S. books The Truth About Mars and The Voice of Venus were also sent to the President of the United States as well as to the Governor of California, Goodwin Knight, whose wife acknowledged their receipt.

Within this dome, in a totally controlled, conditioned environment, there would be not only the amusement park, but it would also provide housing and homes, hotels, etc., for at least 40,000 people.
The picture of this proposed amusement center and its dome has appeared in color as a nationally syndicated feature in different magazines and newspapers throughout the country.
Walt Disney Productions today announced it would build the world’s first glass-domed city in central Florida amid Disneyworld, a $100-million entertainment center.
— New York Times
Plans for the world’s first glass domed city, a Disney World five times bigger than the Disneyland in California, were unveiled here yesterday.
— Chicago Tribune
Plans for a $600 million Disney World, complete with a bubble-top City of Tomorrow, were unwrapped here yesterday. The planned development includes an Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT) planned for 20,000 permanent residents. The city would be completely enclosed with a dome covering 50 to 75 acres and completely air conditioned.
— St. Petersburg Times
The world’s first glass-enclosed city—where more than 20,000 people will be able to forget about umbrellas—is included in the $600 million dream of the late Walt Disney for Central Florida. Disney Productions announced yesterday that a city under a glass dome will be the centerpiece of Disney World.
— Ocala Star-Banner
The picture clearly depicts the central, radial plant and structure with its central hub as seen and described in Martian cities.
Disney Enterprises also announced there would be a number of similar projects, even much larger, which in the future would be constructed elsewhere in the United States and in foreign countries.
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