The Value Of Concept In Spiritual Progression ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Every person does, from the time of death until the time of rebirth, live in some spiritual world, and to the materialist this is indeed a very nebulous, gray and hazy world wherein he finds himself without his physical body, simply because he does not have the necessary forms of consciousness to maintain a conscious relationship with the spiritual world in which he finds himself; and all of his values of life are posed upon material values which no longer exist in the spiritual world about him. Consciousness to this degree, however, is fortunately not completely justified in all intents and purposes, for overshadowing any human being in this nether world of spiritual values is that Higher Superconsciousness, that spiritual cell or nucleus, which has been created in cyclic patterns by the Infinite Consciousness.
These guiding and motivating forces which are constantly stemming into the psychic body of the person who is wandering about in the spiritual nether worlds – without form or substance – sometimes do, and will eventually in some succeeding spiritual world, (in the life between lives), lead him into such plateaus of understanding wherein he can see his fellow men about him existing in different states of spiritual consciousness. He then begins to form within his own mind the will and the desire to elevate himself into a more realistic position with this Infinite Cosmogony. Therefore, in succeeding lives on the earth plane, he will consequently seek about him in his present physical environment the various and necessary forms o
f life wherein he can justify what he intuitively or inwardly knows to be a higher form of life. Thus he has been spiritually quickened to a degree wherein he now wishes to shed the material world in all its entirety and in all its implications. He will also be quite conscious and keenly aware of all the various deficiencies in the material world about him. He will become much more alert and aware of the intense suffering going on in the various hospital wards, asylums and prisons in this physical world. As a consequence, he will be imbued with a greater desire to help relieve these sufferings, for somehow within the reaches of his inner self is oscillating a former pattern of relationship lived in a spiritual world and in a higher plateau of understanding.
To this person, therefore, can be given the message of hope; should he continue on in his pursuance of a higher Spiritual Way of Life, he will eventually escape the domain and the dominion of this physical world and will gradually evolve into one of these higher worlds of consciousness.
We, therefore, who have been spiritually quickened and are aware, cannot be deterred from our purpose of evolution into these higher worlds; nor will we be intimidated by the various coercive agencies which are expressed about us in the world today. We will not be driven from our forward path of evolution by snide remarks that we are “queer people” or we have “queer ideas”, neither shall we take the various compounds of philosophies as they are extracted from this physical world and physical science about us, as the ultimate values in this spiritual evolution. We also thoroughly understand that these values are just as necessary to the materialistic minds as our spiritual values are necessary to we who have been so spiritually quickened; that they too, are undergoing that common metamorphosis – just as we did in the past – and in the future, their guiding Light of higher Spiritual Consciousness will eventually lead them into a higher relationship of spiritual values and will point out to them – quite obviously – not only the necessity but the complete feasibility of life in the higher worlds without the necessity of the physical existence.
Therefore, life in these spiritual worlds is not a mystical supposition – as it is posed in various pantheologies, cultisms and even in our modern Christianity – but is a factual and realistic development of life. It means an integration of heretofore unknown elements of interdimensional transpositions into everyone’s daily life and, as the Infinite is filled with an infinite number of different interpolations of life, through consciousness, we automatically select such environments and such inclusions into our lives as make these things compatible with us. We also develop the necessary vehicle of transposition, such as the various bodily forms and the other environmental factors which help to polarize and justify the life which we find in these higher spiritual dimensions and make life much more compatible and suitable to us, even more so than we shall find in our physical dimension at the present time.
For indeed it is so, that when we have realized this spiritual life has been completely freed from the sins and iniquities, the dogmatic patterns of interpolations of the physical plane, then it must also be that we shall live in complete freedom from them, for they shall no longer exist in our consciousness. Instead, we shall supplant these patterns with a more infinite interpolation of life wherein we shall begin to oscillate, through common centers of intelligence in our spiritually formed body and mind, into the various infinite reaches of the Cosmic Universe. In that day and time – if it can be called time – we will have justified our search for Utopia; we shall have found our New City of Jerusalem, as it is called by Christianity; we shall have found that Nirvana, as it was termed by Buddha; the Happy Hunting Ground by the American Indian; and we shall have found anyone or any particular type of Heaven which has been vaguely visualized by the inhabitants of the earth in one period of time or another.
Man must not create for himself an escape mechanism simply to escape the earth, without forming suitable relationships with the Infinite into which he shall travel in the future, for if he does seek to escape the world simply because of its worldly implications without suitable knowledge of the future, it would truly be disastrous to his forward path of evolution and would only incur greater amounts of suffering and so-called karma in future lifetimes and dispensations. Therefore, it is wise and it is well that we be constantly alerted in our future way of life, to impound as much of the higher spiritual values of life as possible; to completely do away with and tear down, the known limited barriers of physical consciousness and to realize that the Infinite Cosmogony – as it is within – can be realized within the precincts of our own immediate consciousness, for this is indeed the only true way of all men and the purpose of all men.
“Gather ye not treasures of earth for rust and moth to corrupt but rather, gather ye treasures in Heaven.”
Excerpt from Cosmic Continuum
See Part I here.
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