by Ernest L. Norman
Concept is only one of these adjutants to understanding and, in understanding or realizing it in its full intensity, so far as the
individual is concerned, man has actually eliminated all known barriers of time and space in his own immediate reactive physical world. The body, as a vehicle wherein the twelve or fifteen million brain cells have thus been impounded, means little, or is of absolutely no consequence whatsoever in regard to the fact that we are immediately concerned with objectifying consciousness in any part of the Infinite Cosmos. When this is done through a system of relationships and through existing forms of energy transferences known as vibrations, oscillations, or cyclic patterns of interdimensional relationships, it merely means we have linked ourselves infinitely to this Infinite Cosmos with anyone or a number of given points of perspection.
When this particular symposium is carried into a little higher dimension of relationship – as man is a product of evolutionary circumstance – he will, in developing this particular relationship of life to himself in the future, also build the seemingly necessary energy body wherein he will be able to express, through various centers of this energy body, the necessary polarizing an
d catalyzing forms of energy which will actually integrate him with this Infinite Cosmos. This will explain to the religionist, the theosophist, or the cultist, the actual existence of the human embodiment in some higher or spiritual dimension.
This is not done through the living form of flesh in future days of the resurrection, as it is expressed in our modern-day Christianity, wherein the Christian believes that somehow his body will be gathered together when a certain horn-blowing takes place. Actually, he will be able in some period of time – such as a millennium – to integrate sufficient wisdom into his mind so that he will see the possibilities of living in another world which is not material in nature; and that his body will be composed of pure energy wave forms in different polarity patterns which can be similarized to the various organs of his body in their functional relationships to him and to the Infinite Cosmos.
In that far off and seemingly distant future, as far as the materialist is concerned at the moment, he will no doubt possess the necessary understanding so that he can look into this energy body and see its functional relationship to the Infinite Cosmos about him, just as he can see and relate his own physical body into his own immediate physical environment. The various organs of the body, as they function in a physical sense, are quite well-known to almost everyone in this day and age and the various ways and means in which organic chemistry is sustained in this body is also, to some degree, known to everyone. In the future thousands of years when people have developed consciousness to the degree that they can see themselves living in this pulsating energy body and that the various centers in this psychic or spiritual body are just as realistically integrated as are the various poles in the more Infinite Cosmogony about them, they will then indeed be spiritual creatures and will no longer need to return to the earth.
This is one more of the infinite ways in which the great Universal Mind or the Originating Creator of all things is thus concerned by maintaining Infinity into all finite abstractions of various interdimensional relationships. This Universal Mind is infinite in all things, and in so being infinite, must therefore maintain this finite abstraction into all things.
Man, as he is posed and lives and equates his physical world is and will be just as he has always been, only one of the infinite number of points of introspection which any individual will maintain for any given point of time in his travels into the Infinite. This material dimension is actually the beginning of the evolutionary process which will carry him into the higher spiritual worlds where he will live in the future. He is in this way, in expressing his material world, only polarizing the various forms of consciousness as they are contained in the more complete abstractions of the higher Superconsciousness, as it has been posed and explained in previous contexts.
Quite necessarily then, the various adjutants which would support this consciousness in a suitable physical or material environment, have also become part of this environmental transposition wherein he can live and manifest life in different and suitable agencies for its expression. In part then, man’s abysmal ignorance can be somewhat justified on the basis that he is still comparatively a very primitive creature, in the eye of this Infinite Consciousness. His greatest and most difficult problem as to the immediate present is to free his mentality and his concept of the world about him from the more immediate reactionary plane of existence wherein he has, through his physical science, attempted to justify the Infinite Cosmos and thus to free himself from his binding pit of clay. He can develop consciousness to a degree which will more suitably integrate him with Infinity and in relationships which are much higher and much more spiritual in nature.
Man can therefore be considered in true essence, a creature which is still not completely man but is actually very strongly related to the animal kingdom upon which he depends for his very existence. Man, in his daily life, is still exhibiting many of the more animal-like characteristics and attributes from which he sprang, such as giving birth to living young and suckling them upon the breast, just as do the animals in the lower kingdoms about him. He is also quite as guilty as some animals in various expressions of passion, such as hate, avarice and the will to survive which gives him the necessary destructive intents wherein he will actually destroy his fellow man to support that in which he believes, in the various ideologies for his own existence.
If he could only realize before he fired a gun or exploded an atom bomb, that the Infinite Cosmogony is quite capable of supporting not only all of the known inhabitants on the face of the earth in a much higher state of consciousness but that there are also an infinite number of human beings living in various dimensions all about him and also in much different states of consciousness. Should he at any time, before firing these weapons of war, obtain within his own inner consciousness some glimpse of this Infinity about him, he would quite likely throw away these weapons and warlike attitudes and start to live for the day wherein he would more fully justify in his own consciousness, one of these higher forms of life.
Unfortunately however, as far as time is concerned – and as time is the necessary adjutant in these material worlds for the sole and express purpose of relating any individual into a natural sequence of consequences – the average human being, as he exists on the face of the earth today, is quite necessarily living in the age and time which he has justified by previous lifetimes. In other words, as a product of evolution, through hundreds or thousands of lifetimes, man has built himself up to his present state of consciousness and is fully expressing it in the material worlds at this moment. We are therefore not concerned with these materialists who believe so strongly in complete justification of all known material values in their everyday life; but we are more immediately concerned with those who have gone beyond this point into some of the more spiritual abstractions in which they have, either consciously or intuitively, incepted into consciousness various experiences in past lifetimes as well as such interpolations of consciousness in which they have lived in spiritual worlds in the lives between earth lives.
Excerpt from Cosmic Continuum
See Part II here.