The What And The Why ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Herein enters another important principle of understanding. The conscious mind is NOT the brain. The brain is composed of about 12 million cells which can be likened to small transistors or frequency integrators. When a wave
form comes from the subconscious to the conscious, it must pass through various portions of the brain which contains cells particularly suited for this transference; the determinant here is frequency. Thus various anterior and posterior lobes or portions of the brain contain cells more suited to certain various reflexes. Here, in turn, the wave forms are reshuffled into another portion of the psychic anatomy which can be considered the true brain. Here is another grouping of vortexes which are harmonically attuned to another and even higher portion of this psychic anatomy — the Superconscious Self — or the facsimili of the Infinite. This conscious or brain portion of the psychic anatomy functions as follows: It has the power to determine or recombine various values on the basis of frequency from past experiences from a large number of lifetimes through which the individual has passed.
Information energy material (chair) (IEM) strikes the lens of the eye, then is focused on retina; changed by the rods and cones on the retina surface (stepped up in frequency), then carried by the optic nerve to frontal brain lobes. Brain cell transistors again rectify IEM and then send it to the hypothalamus. This hypothalamus is the central switchboard; there it is routed to sine wave ‘A’ and oscillates into the subconscious. There it meets similar wave forms of IEM. Although both wave forms are similar, they are oscillating out of phase. This creates a regenerating action; strong harmonics are formed which contain the original information but are now of different frequencies. One of these frequency impulses, or a new IEM oscillates back to the hypothalamus over sine wave ‘A’. At the same time another harmonic or IEM, travels on sine wave ‘B’ to the mental or conscious mind. Here the same process occurs, except the IEM oscillates with wave forms which were inducted in previous life-times.
Several harmonics are thus formed; one travels back over sine wave ‘B’ to subconscious as a bias, or controlling factor of intelligence formed from frequency comparisons in the mental consciousness. Another harmonic impulse oscillates into the hypothalamus over sine wave ‘C’. This is the same intelligent bias which controls reactions where the hypothalamus again reroutes it on the frequency basis to the correct brain cells which, in turn, perform the necessary function of sending energy commands to muscles, or other brain cells, rearranging these various wave forms which, in the overall process so described, create the illusion of “seeing” the chair and the added function of going over and sitting down.
A third set of harmonics from this mental conscious oscillates into the superconscious (sine wave ‘D’), the oscillating process is repeated; new harmonics formed. Some go into Infinity in a like manner reoscillating “forever”. Other harmonics travel over sine wave ‘B’ to the mental conscious to form new vortexes of intelligent wave forms, polarizing each thought, each action and reinstates these processes.
In a sense, this is extending the power of consciousness far beyond the dimension of the present life which is more purely contained in the subconscious portion of the psychic anatomy. This is done, however, without the usual and more pronounced reflex action which always takes place in the subconscious function. This higher consciousness can therefore be considered to be, not only the more true seat of reason, but also expresses various other attributes; one of which is called intuition. In fact, all paranormal functions or activities of this mental or conscious part of the
psychic anatomy, come from this source.
There is one more important implication connected with this part of the psychic anatomy, and that is its more direct function with the Superconscious. For, it is from this highest portion of the psychic anatomy that the individual derives such various elements of life which can be called creative or inspirational; or that they may even be, in this creative sense, a completely independent materialization of form into the surface life and not necessarily connected through frequency with any or all past life dispensations and experiences.
When this integration of consciousness is fully understood, how it functions as a complex integration of wave forms of energy and thus so interrelated with the psychic anatomy of each person, then indeed you have mastered the greatest secret of life; and on the basis of this understanding you will be able to correctly analyze all human behaviorisms. You can rationalize any and all cases of various idiosyncracies and vicissitudes of human nature.
Conversely, until such time as you do understand, you are your own worst enemy and any attempts which you might make to either analyze yourself or to correct any aberrations or malformations of the surface or daily life, may well be, not only fruitless but can be very dangerous and could lead to more complete solidification of these existing aberrations.
To review what has been explained to you, it is now easily understandable that man is the greatest enigma of all enigmas and this is especially true of all those who are the so-called practitioners and purveyors of human welfare; for none of them understand these principles even though they hold the power of life and death; holding it by virtue of the faith and trust their fellow man has placed in them — an unrequited faith and trust — and most usually climaxed in the familiar funeral procession trailing to the nearby cemetery. Even worse than this, is the grave with the unmarked headstone which any person will dig for himself if he attempts to solve the enigma of his life from these outside sources.
In the foregoing text, we have definitely established certain precincts of knowledge which, up until this time, may have been quite unknown to you. However, they are provable, not only in the laboratories of our scientific world, but they will be proven to you in the future as true, in the countless thousands of lifetime experiences, and which, up until now, have only confused you more and bogged you down deeper into the mire of karma.
Now, as you begin to expand your consciousness with these principles, so likewise will lifetime experiences expand your knowledge of these principles and you will begin the actual re-creation of the higher Spiritual Beings which you will be, if you include these principles in a more complete dimension of life.
It is indicated, however, that an even stronger junction of consciousness be established at this time, with the principles contained in the foregoing context material. There is an old cliche which came out of the east about the tail trying to wag the dog; and up until this point, at least, you have, in a figurative sense, been as the tail trying to wag your dog. In other words, as has now been proven that the most important part of your life was going on in a way in which you were not conscious; you were still trying to control these unknown elements in the customary reactionary way.
You must remember that you cannot at any time, attain reason by any mental effort until you have formed a junction as a functional process with all of these heretofore unknown elements; and though it may seem strange to you at the moment, in your future dispensations of life, you will, whenever this complete junction is attained and so expressed as reason, become one of those Spiritual Beings who are frequently pictured or described as Masters.
It might also be well to note that at these specific times, whenever the perfect junction takes place, there will be no limitations of consciousness; there will be no reactionary interplay of emotions. You will be able to tune into the proper solution to any and all problems; your mind will function as a clairvoyant instrument and in those golden moments, you will realize that there is no such thing as astral flight, but instead the new concept of attunement and function with all things simultaneously. You will not need to travel astrally for the perfect image of what you seek is immediately attuned — a process which is somewhat like that which makes your TV function; and as a matter of fact, you are at any and all times, functioning just as does the TV set, except up until the present time you have not been conscious of the transmitter or the studio from whence the pictures of your life came. Neither were you conscious of the method of transmission.
Here again is a very important point to remember, for the very essence of learning and usage of these principles will depend, in the future, on just how well you can bring together these various principles of function. For, you will neither learn these principles nor practice the knowledge until such junctions are made, and they begin to form various vital parts of your new psychic anatomy.
In the future, therefore, become conscious in all things that you do, or that are so manifest on your surface life; that these surface manifestations are like the ripples on the surface of a lake, caused by the reactionary processes of that which you formerly called thinking; and that by far the greatest part of you is functioning in the great invisible worlds just beyond your sight or hearing.
Try to visualize thought as an oscillating motion like the little green snake crawling through the grass. Visualize your subconscious as something like a large bucketful of live fish worms, all crawling in and out of each other; for these are the reactionary and sometimes unrelated past lifetime experiences, all brought together, in fact, recreated by the ever resurgent “frequency principle.”
Quite naturally you will begin to realize the importance of reconstructing your psychic anatomy from more suitable material; for it should not be constructed from the same age-old elements of fear, lust, greed, envy, malice, etc. For, if you reconstruct your new psychic anatomy from such coersive elements, you will only have another bucket of fish worms.
Instead, try to be a sensible architect of your future. Begin the rebuilding process out of the logical reason and purpose of all things, thought, form, and action. For, when you have found the logical reason, then you have found the purpose of the Infinite; and in finding all of these new elements you will indeed begin to function as an architect, building for yourself, not only a new and shining spiritual anatomy, but a home constructed of Radiant Energies and part of a community of advanced personalities in one of the higher planes of life. And, in occupying this new psychic or spiritual anatomy, you will take your place among the dwellers of the higher planes; for indeed you will have found your Nirvana, your Father Within, and your Kingdom of Heaven, a more complete junction and function of consciousness with the Infinite.
Excerpt from Infinite Contact
See Part I here.
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