The World Of The Abstract
The modern present-day scientist is making the same mistakes as in days of old, in the relative values and equations which relate to
energy. For instance, in the relative equation of heat there is an immediate relationship with all particular sources which he has learned from his experiences are emanating radiated sources of heat which is warm or hot according to the sense of reaction of feeling. As a child he may have learned that touching a flame or some hot surface burned the skin and was a painful experience, therefore, any such future relationship with such source of energy called heat will have a definite psychosomatic action.
It is in the aspects of general relationships that while man is commonly called third-dimensional in a physical and material sense, he is therefore definitely an active integrated participant of such a material plane of consciousness. He has learned through experience to view all things objectively or from the front side only. This has become an unconscious thought pattern inasmuch as everything he does in his daily life happens objectively and from one moment to the other. He can, of course, if given time through such sources of information as are retained in his memory consciousness, place or imagine other particular correlated aspects which are pertinent to the immediate objective reaction. However, here enters a rather fallacious interpretation of objective reasoning: that while he may have substantially experienced such correlated facets, he has not yet progressed sufficiently far in his mind evolution where such thought forms of past experiences can replace the more
substantial objective placement in the association of his immediate realization. Something of an example of these objective relationships could be pictured as in the act of driving a car. While the driver, through long experience has perfect control in the forward motion of the vehicle, and while this in itself may be an integrated system of reflexes, they are all primarily connected with a long chain of circumstances and experiences; and yet with all this, there is still another and even greater part which makes it possible for this driver to drive this car.
He is not concerned with the vast amount of engineering detail which has gone into the machine; neither is he concerned with the tremendous machinery, the plants, the mechanical brains and all the associated impedimenta which is necessary to construct such a car. Given the time, he can sidetrack for the moment his mental energies into the imaginative process of all these things and so construct within his mind a rather nebulous concept of what all this is. Unless he has actually been through an automotive manufacturing plant or seen motion pictures of such, he will have a difficult time in envisioning anything like a small part of such a gigantic and colossal enterprise.
This is, in a sense, a similar allegory to man’s position on this material or third-dimensional plane and his relationship to the fourth dimension. He is literally driving down the highway of life in the vehicle of his own body and sees only before him the particular happening or experiences of that particular moment. He has not yet learned nor can he envision the tremendous vastness of the Infinite Universe. While he may have had a number of reincarnations, he has not yet, and with but few exceptions, progressed sufficiently far in his soul evolution that he has arrived on this earth plane with even a semblance of consciousness from other lives or in other dimensions; and while these lives and their experiences do reside in and are a part of the psychic body, yet here again the individual falls into only a subconscious pattern of relationship of such experience and lives.
When we have progressed sufficiently on our soul evolution that we begin to retain a conscious memory of such lives and experiences, and in their becoming an integrated part of our life on this earth plane, it is quite likely that we will have arrived at some definite starting point in our mastership.
Merely being curious of certain physical phenomena in the world about us does not necessarily mean that we have arrived at the starting point, nor does it mean that because of our curiosity we may have gathered unto ourselves a bit more knowledge than our fellowman and that in the acquisition of this knowledge we can interpret the value of our lives or our learnings into the lives of others. There are many in the world about us today, just as has been in the past, who have usurped a false position by the seeming acquisition of some superior sense in the relationship of values to his fellowman. It has always been that the great masses have succeeded in personalizing on certain individuals such qualities of character which they themselves thought they did not possess.
The kings and queens of past ages, the dictators and emperors were all so constructed, likewise, the leaders of our own political systems. This is in itself a rather long and devious process of autosuggestion which has been concluded by the fallacious interpretations of objective reasoning. Likewise, many of the doctors and scientists of the past few decades have only arrived at some point where they occupied a niche of fame by postulating some seemingly and very apparent reactionary facets in this objective thought pattern reasoning.
Yet in a large part, all of these things were in themselves relatively simple and would not have remained hidden, and remained only for the individual entity which was called John Doe or Mary Smith, as the case may be, to exploit such so-called discoveries and so incur some measure of everlasting fame. In direct contrast to this objectivism is the realm of the abstract. This in itself simply means fourth dimension. This dimension, however is not a true dimension in the pure sense of the word because it has no beginning or end; neither is it so contained in any form or shape. This abstract fourth dimension is the beginning and ending of all things in the third dimension; likewise, time is not an element in this abstract dimension. It can be said to be constantly expanding and contracting simultaneously in all directions instantaneously. It may also be called Infinity. This dimension does not reside in the realm of the hypothetical. It constitutes all living organized energy. Because of the definite relationship of these energies, they can be said to be constructive, and as they reside in a dimension which is expanding and contracting simultaneously, it may be said that they are positive and negative in nature for lack of better terminology. It is true that while they are infinite in nature and that in order to be infinite, they must also assume finite form. They are therefore reflecting into other dimensions; and this material world or third dimension is but one small reflected part of such universal fourth-dimensional expression.
Therefore, with this reasoning we can begin to see the fallacious impact of objectivism, and the scientist of today measuring and evaluating any expressions or transmission of energies such as light, heat and various other spectra on a third dimension or the material world, and in a material sense, is guilty of the most gross misunderstanding of the conscious realization of the great and universal abstract fourth dimensions.
Man has and can, and by the same token always will, through patterns of objective reasoning, arrive at or conclude certain ideas or hypotheses. These may or may not be even in a small sense, correct or true, yet to vindicate this collectivism will build a superstructure of other and seeming supporting ideas or relationships. This is something like a bird building a nest in a tree and while the nest serves the purpose for which it was constructed, yet it is in itself merely a mass of heterogeneous particles of such sundry nature as are collected in the nearby fields. It is not inferred that man at this time is necessarily ignorant, nor is there an underestimate of such structures which are related to his well-being on the earth at this time, but it can be said that at least a large measure of such constructive structures were the direct result of the integration of such spiritual and inspirational nature, and that they had their source and origin within the higher realms and from much more advanced entities who had progressed into these higher planes in the abstract universe.
Many of the great medical discoveries are not necessarily evaluations of a correctly postulated theory but were usually arrived at either through accident or through a long painstaking series of experimentations. Such accidents or laborious conclusions would not be necessary if the present-day savant were sufficiently clairvoyant that he could immediately contact the higher realms of consciousness in the abstract universe and on such cooperative co-relationship bring the necessary values into the immediate third dimension or objective plane in which he lives. It might be said that man will, in some future day on this earth plane, arrive at some universal and accepted contact with these higher orders of intelligences, and should he do so, he will find himself not in the generally accepted concept of such a third dimensional plane but he will have created for himself an entirely new dimension, and likewise, a new world. He will also have arrived at the point in his thinking where the conglomerate mass of expression of experience does not make up his life but will now occupy a position of infinite conception.
He will begin to visualize the great abstract universe and with such visualization he will see that energy or mass in the third dimension is not necessarily a part of that concept of such a dimension, but is reflected into the concept of the individual as such an expression or dimension; and that it can therefore be said that as a man conceives so will he give birth to himself into the light and into the dimension in which he conceives. And by this same analogy, he will find that his soul evolution into the higher abstract realms of consciousness is merely the adding to of each successive rebirths with bits of correlated knowledge. And like the straws gathered by the mother bird, so of these bits of wisdom that he will gather unto himself, let it be said that they are not third dimensional in nature, neither are they the objective experiences of some earth life but they have become the integrated thought pattern which is abstract in nature that relates itself to the infinity of man’s creation; and in such infinite creativeness he, in becoming an activated participant in this abstract universe, becomes Godlike in nature, for God is the great abstract universe.
Excerpt from Tempus Invictus
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