Things In The Martian Sky
by William S. Romoser, Ph.D.
The web presence of the NASA/JPL databases has spawned an intrepid group of Mars anomaly hunters, who regularly post their often fascinating and provocative findings on YouTube, and the Mars Anomaly Research Society site on Facebook. These persons piqued my interest. So, following full retirement from a 45 year academic career, I began studying the public NASA/JPL Mars rover photographic databases, particularly those from Curiosity rover. It came as a pleasant surprise to find what I have increasingly come to believe is evidence of higher metazoan forms on Mars. Several characteristic Martian motifs are identifiable in the NASA/JPL rover photographs, and when compared with various cultural artifacts on Earth, striking similarities can be found. Such similarities may indicate intimate associations between the Red Planet and Earth, both past and present. As with my professional research interests, this effort has been driven by curiosity, no pun intended. Three working hypotheses form the operating the hub of this project: Hypothesis 1: There are fossil and extant higher life forms (metazoans; multi-cellular organisms composed of eukaryotic cells) on Mars. Hypothesis 2: There is and/or has been intelligent civilization on Mars Hypothesis 3: There has been contact between intelligent beings on Mars and Earth. ~ Dr. Romoser, Emeritus Professor of Medical Entomology at Ohio University – Department of Biomedical Sciences.
The material analyzed in this report is from NASA-JPL photos sent back to Earth primarily by Curiosity Rover. The images presented here contain objects that contrast with the Martian sky.
• Dark objects in contrast with the light sky
• Insect-like flying forms
• Insect-like forms caught in flight sequence
• An artificial structure on the ground? Grounded aircraft?
• Mysterious glowing objects
Dark Objects in Contrast with the Light Sky
• Some of these objects are dark, some glow, some are round, and some are disc-like and more-or-less triangular.
• The occurrence of these objects is common and only a few examples are presented here.
• Are these objects artifacts? …flying organisms? …flying craft of some sort? …all of these?
Insect-like Flying Forms
• At least some, if not most, of the dark forms contrasting with the daytime sky are likely to be insect-like types. These insect-like forms are often difficult to see due to the fact they are in motion, e.g. when flying.
• It is common to see flying insect-like form bodies surrounded by a characteristic blur area caused moving wings.
• Insects typically have an overall Gestalt which makes them identifiable by an experienced eye. This is useful even in flying forms.
Insect-like Forms Caught in Flight Sequence
• It is common to see flight paths of individual insect-like forms caught by the camera at different points during a flight.
• These are typically characterized by a relatively large image of an individual which tapers back over a distance as sequentially smaller and smaller images of the insect-like form.
• During these individual “flights” the wings can be seen in varying positions of wing movement, that is the wings may be elevated, depressed, or somewhere in between.
An Artificial Structure on the Ground? Grounded Aircraft?
Mysterious Glowing Objects
Conclusions & Discussion
• Examples of spherical, disc-shaped, chevron-shaped, and triangular entities in the skies of Mars have been identified here.
• It is unclear what these “aerial” forms are, but they are common in the NASA-JPL images. They could be bonafide aerial craft, organic forms, or such things as ink marks or damaged pixels.
• Evidence supports the idea that flying insect-like creatures are among the forms, perhaps most, seen in contrast with the Martian sky.
• A clearly artificial structure can be seen on top of a distant hill.
• By virtue of its streamlined appearance along with angular plates resembling stealth design, one can interpret the structure on the top of the hill as artificial, and as a possible aerial craft.
• This idea doesn’t seem far-fetched when one considers the many trips space craft from Earth have made to Mars orbit, and landing on the surface in the case of the surface rovers.
• The presence of likely artificial structures, aerial or otherwise, that is, the possible grounded aircraft and what resembles a track vehicle, implies the past or current presence of intelligent life on Mars, whether as part of an established civilization or as visitors.
• This idea applies both to the Curiosity Rover and to the putative craft.

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