The True Life of Jesus

TrueLifeofJesus4PageThe True Life of Jesus: An Eye-Witness Account of the Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth: Confessions of St. Paul

 Slashing through 2,000 years of Christian fanaticism, this book presents the true biography before and after the crucifixion of Jesus. It exposes for all time the great hypocrisy of the Christian religion as a culmination in a villainous plot, contrived by the arch-villain, Saul of Tarsus and his cohort, Judas Iscariot; a plot that changed the world’s history for thousands of years! contained in a long-hidden book in this amazing revelation, delineated by no less than Saul himself in this true life story of Jesus, telling who his mother and father were, his truly espoused, and of his life teachings! “The Eye-Witness Account,” taken from the actual parchment, is the true account of the crucifixion and the life of Jesus after this tragic event! An amazing revelation which will once and for all time destroy the fake and immoral religion from the minds and hearts of all those who read it! This book will also completely vindicate the UN.AR.I.U.S. Mission and its reestablishment as a continuity of the Mission of Jesus, and will effectively help prove that UN.AR.I.U.S. is the beginning of the “Second Coming.”

Excerpt: “O! Jose,” added Mary after a slight pause, in which she drew herself closer to him, regarding him with a look of mingled love and reverence, “when I look upon thy noble person, hear the music of thy voice and consider the wisdom of thy words, it seems to me that I am in the presence of one far greater than human. I feel a spell come over me filling me with mingled love, admiration and reverence. I pray thee, then, to continue thy teaching, scattering a few more seeds of intelligence upon my simple mind, that they may take root and spring up like beauteous flowers, exhaling delicious odors, in honor of the great God of whom thou hast been speaking.”

“O! Mary,” replied Jose in a tone of great tenderness, “pure and innocent as thou art, thou art worthy of the love of thy Maker, and as such art capable of understanding his nature. Thou art now enabled to perceive that the God as worshiped by our forefathers and our present people, is a figment of barbarous imagination, worshiped only by such as are lost in ignorance and insensible to noble manhood; but the Great God of the universe is a Divine Father, by whose divine love all passive matter has been endowed with life. His wisdom and goodness conceived that plan which extends from the time of acting through all eternity. It was his divine essence of love that united atom to atom in bonds of sympathy and holy wedlock; from which sprang minerals, crystals, vegetables and animals of every kind, hue and figure. This ascending and progressive work of organization was prosecuted by a series of successive spheres of developments bound together by the bonds of mutual interest and dependence. The higher being developed from the combined energy of all the lower, until the powers of each sphere were developed to the ultimate design. When the organization of man became sufficiently developed and matured, it became qualified to receive the impress of the positive spirit of God upon the tablet of its interior life, and by which he became developed into a spiritual intelligence which constituted him an offspring of the divine essence of love and mind. It is thus by the development of this interior spiritual intelligence mankind became the children of God. When God’s children can be no longer sustained upon earth, he receives them within his own mansion under his own especial care, where the elements of their spiritual being become developed into a still higher state of perfection, and they become more worthy of their Maker.

“Yes, Mary, the great God I am endeavoring to bring to thy notice is the father of us all as well as the life spring of the universe. His inherent and unchangeable attributes are power, wisdom and love. By his divine love, he felt the impulse to awaken and form all passive matter into the beauteous universe, as we behold it. By his infinite wisdom he was enabled to plan and design it to go into operation; and by his almighty power, he was enabled to put it into execution. By his fatherly solicitude for all that he had produced, he has controlled, and still continues to govern every thing in order, with the hope that his magnificent works will ultimately redound to his glory and satisfaction.”

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with 21 comments.


  • jose chavarria says:

    Very interesting history

  • Harvey Kong Tin says:

    You cannot take seriously anything accredited to Paul/Saul, giving us a true account of what happened to Jesus? I haven’t read the above material to get an idea of what it basically covers and details. I don’t think it will be anything like what the ‘Talmud Jmmanuel’ covers, which does claim to detail an accurate account regarding the crucifixion of Jesus. That he survived the crucifixion barely, fled to India, settling in Kashmir. Christianity today is founded upon Paul’s perspective and beliefs etc, not of Jesus. Paul was not an apostle and did not understand Jesus’ teachings. See the above text I reference to, which most people that visit this site will probably be agreeable to? Brought to us, via Billy Meier, and is part of the Billy Meier story. Meier is the prophet of our times, who functions like the prophets of old. Christianity’s Jesus is the anti-Christ as such, not being the genuine beliefs and ideas etc of the figure Jesus. Do your own research and do your own thinking to sort out what is really true after all.

    • Harvey Kong Tin says:

      The True Life of Jesus – carries the view that Judas betrayed Jesus, whereas the Talmud Jmmanuel text claims otherwise – that Judas was Jesus’ most trusted apostle. The Christian account of Judas betraying Jesus being an incorrect account. How do you determine which is the more believable? The TJ account says Jesus was human, prophet and healer, that he was never labelled as King of the Jews, but a King of Wisdom. Not a political figure. In this account the resurrection did not happen. Jesus was near death and able to be resuscitated, who fled with his mother Mary to India. Mary did not survive the hard journey and was buried where she died. Jesus settled in Kashmir, married a local and raised a family there, living into old age. Jesus teachings are not taught by Christianity. Paul did not understand his teachings and was not an apostle. And was not trusted by Jesus. Basically if you felt all along that ‘God’ was a big fat lie taught by the big 3 religions, then you’ll probably enjoy reading the Talmud Jmmanuel text and it’s story.

    • Tammy says:

      It’s nice to read of someone who follows Billy Meier. I truly respect his work. I’m thankful in learning what’s truth through discernment and understanding in a world full of deceit.

    • Henry says:

      Interesting this Talmud Jmmanuel, there are similarities with some parts of Daniel Meurois books (with Anne Givaudan in the early years) where Jesus after surviving the crucifixion hid for a while in the Mount Krmel (an Essene place like Qumran) and later traveled to Kashmir with his mother Mary (she died before Kashmir) and disciple Thomas (a younger brother called “the twin” because of his physical resemblance who continued alone to south India.

      Mary Magdalene instead left for southern France with some disciples and her son Marcus whom she had with her ex-husband Saul of Tarsus (whom she managed to divorce because he was a piece of shit and, although he improved a lot once he became Paul, his thinking was unable to emerge from some tendecies misogynistic and dualistic on reward/eternal guilt. She then married the Christ-Jesus at the wedding at Cana, but they had no children).
      The Judas Iscariot is described in good faith as he was convinced that by having the Romans meet Christ a fair solution would be found but was betrayed by them who arrested Him. Later that was perceived by people as if Judas was the traitor. It is understood that the crucifixion was a necessary event on a global/cosmic scale and therefore prognosticated for a long time.

      There are so many other details in books of these French authors but I don’t know how much was published in English/USA. If you can, read them!

  • Claire says:

    Hello, I feel very drawn to this book. How am I able to buy it? Thank you.

    • admin says:

      The book is in Public Domain and may be downloaded at the link in the side bar BOOKS MENU under “The True Life of Jesus”. It is the full pdf book at no charge.

  • William Thijs says:

    Is there any other follow up to this? The life after his death? How did Saul really start the Christian movement and so on?
    There have been other stories if Christ not really dying but as a token from the grave nourished to health and then fled to India where he lived with Mary had a child and continued his work. Is this true?

  • thomas says:

    thank you for the spark for comprehension to Creations Continuum of Perfect Simplicity . . .

  • Jo Scott says:

    I am looking forward to reading this book.

  • yohannes tebebu says:

    How do I get a copy of the book The True Life of Jesus of Nazareth
    The Confessions of St Paul? By Alexander Smith
    I would dearly love to read this book

    • admin says:

      On this same page here: to the right in the right margin there is a link where you can download the full pdf book. This book is in public domain. If for any reason you have a problem please contact me through the Contact link above. Thanks so much for your interest. It is a very deeply compelling book with new information on what really happened in those times of the crucifixion.

  • Jo Scott says:

    How do I get a copy of the book The True Life of Jesus of Nazareth
    The Confessions of St Paul? By Alexander Smith
    I would dearly love to own and read this book

  • Gloria – Have you read the ‘Shooting Screenplay’ posting on our site? It will eventually be made into a movie and is very dramatic!

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