Understanding The Nature Of Good Versus Evil
by Ernest L. Norman
Time, therefore, is of little importance; we shall find that only in the material dimension does time become a separate property in the transmission of life about us. Basically our main concern is in the primary purpose of evolution itself, in the creation of the Spiritual Ego to such proportions that it becomes a reciprocating element in the Infinite Mind and the Creative Force, not as a selfish and self-centered agency designed primarily from its own selfish instincts as they were garnered from energy wave forms in more primitive lifetimes, but into constructive evolutionary patterns of thought which are concerned in constructive processes in helping to completely regenerate the Infinite Cosmos in its normal functional activities.
It is conceivable, in the normal process of life, that each individual is concerned with the age-old and primitive process of equilibrium between the so-called negative or evil forces and the positive polarities which are called good or the mystical forces. In as much as this is an age-old problem involving the very beginnings of any one particular individual’s life upon the planet earth – or upon any other similar planet – the previous explanations may not have been quite adequate to completely fulfill or justify a corrective process and to instill a new philosophy of life in the individual’s mind.
As the struggle between good and evil is age-old, a person may be inclined to ask this direct question: What then becomes of those people who are incorrigibles or who are dominating figures in an evil or negative way? To look back into history, we can find classical examples of these various evil people as they have written certain bloody pages in the history of mankind; such men as the Genghis Khan, Hitler and other figures whose cloaks are dyed with the crimson blood of their fellow men. This does indeed pose a great problem in mental balances as they are concerned with the average individual and he may be confused in the processes of mind in establishing such an equilibrium in his thinking.
He can eventually strike out the words good or evil and instead instill within this consciousness a much more realistic concept which concerns the positive and negative energy wave forms. Referring to this particular establishment of equilibrium, we must therefore revert into the physical world again for a starting place in this introspection. We can, for convenience sake, look directly into the human body itself; there we find that as far as the physical body is concerned, almost all of the processes which sustain life within that body – as they are concerned in a physical sense – are completely automatic in nature. This automation involves the respiratory system and various digestive processes which in a sense and to a large degree, perform entirely without consciousness on the part of the individual. Oxygen
enters the lungs and causes a certain aeration of the blood stream which is the fundamental functioning principal of the human body; and as far as that goes, of every particular living organism which can be said to have a similarly constructed body. The scientist might say food is burned in the body but this so-called burning process is a misconception, just as are many of the different principles in scientific nomenclature. This means that we have a certain direct transmission of energy from one form to another.
If we see a boy spinning a top upon the floor, we can find there a typical example of the transmission of energy from one form to another. The energy which is contained in his arm is transferred to the top and it thus gyrates in a spinning motion. This spinning motion is the same energy which was but a moment before contained in the boy’s arm, in cell structures and in nerve impulses. This energy must, under common physical laws, again establish itself on a certain basic equilibrium, so far as it is diametrically opposed to the physical world.
In other words, the top is now in direct conflict with at least two well-known physical laws: the principle of inertia, which means the mass of the top, as it is spinning, is in direct conflict with the rigid force or proportion of gravitational motion. There are also certain elements of friction with the molecules of air surrounding the top, as well as at the point of the top itself upon the floor and this friction in turn absorbs a certain amount of energy which was formerly in the boy’s arm, turning it into what is commonly called heat. Heat merely means that there are certain energy wave forms coming in contact with molecular structures, and in the force fields of molecules as they are compounded in composition
s of atoms, the various energy wave forms in these molecular patterns are thus disturbed. The molecules can thus be said to be agitated; and in this agitation or maladjustment of their frequencies, they absorb the energy, which is heat. In the case of heat entering the human body, should this molecular maladjustment take place in such a manner and fashion that it is unable to immediately resume its normal state of equilibrium, then the person can be said to be burned upon that portion of his anatomy, as the atoms and the molecules as they were so constituted, are now not in their former normal relationship to the human body.
The foregoing principles are the common basic equivalents to many of the misconstrued scientific concepts as they relate to the stemming of heat from the sun; for in all cases we do not find either heat or any of the other so-called classifications of energy formations, as they are used in the nomenclature of the scientists. They refer purely, in their esoterical values, to the diversified transmissions and readjustments in various frequency relationships within themselves.
Energy stemming from the sun is not heat, but it comes in conjunction with the magnetic fields of the earth, such as are posed by gravitational fields as well as kinetic forces which make the earth, in effect, a very large and supercharged magnet. These energies coming from the sun are thus, through hysteresis, changed directly into such wave forms, and are altered in such manner and form that we can call them heat. This merely means that these various energy wave forms can now thus come in contact with atomic and molecular structures. In so doing, their normal pattern and their fields of force are disrupted to such an extent that they may become “heated”, either largely or to a very small degree, according to the amount of energy involved in this process.
Resuming the normal course of our introspection and referring once again to the point in question – the development of an evil person as posed against the development of a good person – we must therefore understand these principles of absorption as they are concerned with the disruption of frequency patterns and relationships of various energy formations, for it is in this way that any person is developed in the superconsciousness, either as an evil or as a more positive and good person. A person can and often does develop in an evil way in the spiritual or superconsciousness, just as this same person could develop in a positive or good manner. This will account for the appearance of different external personifications of the superconsciousness as they are posed as evil or destructive forces.
For a clearer understanding of this condition, we must therefore look into the Spiritual worlds and picture for ourselves how life can and does exist for every individual when he loses his physical body. It should by now be firmly established in your mind that there is no such thing as a physical life after all and that we are all basically, internally and in any other particular way you wish to picture, actually merely expressing the common dynamics of energy transmissions as they are expressed from an infinite number of planes of consciousness which form the aggregate in correct conjunctive attitudes with positive and negative interpolations with past life experiences. Therefore, the physical life merely means that we are only expressing a common polarity in a negative fashion with the more positively biased Infinite Cosmogony.
Therefore, in the spiritual life, instead of the physical automation which has been previously described and loosely referred to as internal combustion in the human system, man will find it is, in some respects, quite similar to the life which he left in the physical world. As far as his psychic body is concerned, now that he is in the spiritual world – a creature of pure energy not living within the physical flesh – he therefore has a certain amount of spiritual aeration.
Instead of the oxygen which he formerly contacted in his physical world and which made ingress into his body through his lungs, aerating his blood stream and making it possible for “combustion and metabolism” to take place to sustain life, he now has the same condition taking place in the absorption of spiritual energies directly into his psychic body from an infinite number of planes in which he now finds himself to be living. This aeration takes place again on that common basic equivalent of frequency relationship; therefore, any aeration in his psychic body must, as a natural consequence, take place in such planes of relationship which are compatible with the frequencies in his psychic body.
Thus if a person is good, this aeration will quite naturally take place in his psychic centers from planes which are constructive, or can be considered to be of a higher elevation and higher value than those being absorbed or being aerated into a person who is negatively biased and who relates this aeration process into his psychic body from such planes which are negatively biased, or which are destructively balanced against the progressive evolution of man, individually or collectively. This process of spiritual aeration with which he is concerned in his spiritual world thus makes life possible for him and furnishes, just as food and oxygen formerly did to the physical body, the basic constituents in his spiritual development in that spiritual world.
Thus it is the evil person finds just as much food and oxygen (or shall we say that we are using food and oxygen in a comparative term only), and an abundance of these negative energies to feed and nourish his psychic body as the positively biased or good person finds of the good and positive energies to aid and abet the constructive processes of his psychic body in a higher elevation. You may wonder, therefore, and reasonably analyze that the development of the evil person could assume staggering proportions. This person could eventually develop into a similar form of an “evil” Avatar, just as is posed in the development of a “good” Avatar, and this, too, is so. We will find in these spiritual worlds there are developments, in proportion of evil persons, to a degree which is quite comparable in force and power to those who have assumed a more constructive elevation in life. However, evil does, in its own intent and purpose, always eventually destroy itself.
There is a basic reason why the development of an evil person reaches only a certain point, a point which can be considered, in modern psychological terminology, as the point of diminishing returns. In other words, in the development of this evil person as he is concerned with his superconsciousness itself, instead of becoming an outwardly expanding and constructively minded polarity with the Infinite, it becomes increasingly condensed or concentrated within itself in its evil intent and its evil purpose. Therefore, as this development – or rather should we say, this degeneration – progresses, the superconsciousness will find itself increasingly compressed and thus, in this compression, lacks accessibility to the common and general spiritual aeration which is so necessary to support and to regenerate its own purpose in the spiritual worlds.
This, in a sense of the word, means that the superconsciousness is slowly destroying itself by its own growth. This point is rather difficult for the average individual to visualize in his own mind; but it can be fully explained and justified when we have incepted the principles of relationship which involve life in the spiritual worlds. In other words, the normal progression and evolution of the Higher or the Superself does, and must always, involve an increasing number of various affiliations with what might be considered infinite planes of relationship, for it is the very nature of the superconsciousness to partake of the same infinite perspectives as the creative force which first started its evolutionary process.
We can thus say that the evil person in the material worlds, in the common relationships and in the patterns of his different lifetimes, first formed a rather highly developed Superconsciousness in a positive way. Up to a certain point, this evil person was formerly a very powerful and a very “good” person and could be compared either to an Initiate or an Adept, or perhaps even possibly a Master in his own sense, before he began to deteriorate. In the spiritual worlds, in the development of his now negatively biased Superconsciousness by the continual process of turning concept inwardly upon himself and in the revolution of the transmissions of his spiritual life as is concerned only with himself, he can thus be considered destructive. In this selfishness, he consequently compresses and degenerates his formerly developed Superconsciousness into nothingness.
Excerpt from Cosmic Continuum
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