Unariun Wisdom

Up Rainbow Hill

by Dana Howard

The age of SPACE is here. It was ushered in more than a decade ago with electrifying spectacle and provocative fanfare. Strange, cylindrical objects traversed the skies from one end of the globe to the other. Their inscrutable behavior pattern was not only mystifying, it baffled the most discerning minds. It was not easy to accept the possibility that extraterrestrials had entered our atmosphere – that perhaps the sphere-shaped objects had come millions of miles across space from some remote point in our solar system.

As they came in greater numbers the credibility grew on the one hand, skepticism mounted on the other. Time passed and humanity became “thought-divided.” A parallel was seen with the story of the beginning of the Christian Era. Skeptics were ready to throw believers into a den of lions. The believers prayed to God that the time would come when all must believe.

When we trace the line of history, we find that the harbingers of the future have had many similarities. Each major change is ushered in with the mysterious. The mysteries are always with us. If an event proves to be inspirationally interesting, it lives. If it is daring, if it is challenging, others are inspired and impassioned to carry on. They are ready to make every sacrifice, spending every precious moment delving deeper through the sub-soil until they have found an answer. With an established base and enthusiastic nucleus, life is ready to go on to a new spiral.

In the past decade many have claimed contact with beings from outer space. Some believe these visitors to be physical like ourselves. But they have been taught to measure all things on an earthly yardstick. They attempt to ignore that which is abstruse. Their vision is blinded to the insoluble. At the same time these people are faced with a paradox. The cylindrical objects are Earthly one moment, yet they vanish into nothingness the next. While these people resent the alien, they are forced to admit this fact.

The believers are sometimes effusive in their claims. Their stories are festooned with enthusiasm for they seem to burn within with some strange emotion. In their bombastic efforts to spread the message many have done more harm than good.

On the other hand, the middle-road can lead us to the correct answers. As intelligent beings we know that space cannot be measured by an Earth yardstick. I have felt from the beginning that other-worldly beings are in all aspects similar to us in appearance and that they have the ability to materialize or dematerialize at will. They are weightless beings, free from the pull of gravity.

The illustrious Carl Jung is said to have stated: “I believe the UFOs are real and show signs of intelligent guidance by quasi-human pilots.”

In a recent lecture tour through Europe, George Hunt Williamson, world explorer and UFO researcher stated: “Appearances of a beautiful lady in bright light (similar to Our Lady of Fatima) have been reported from various parts of Italy.” Documented cases of similar nature appear in this book and they all tie in with the description of the Radiant One known to my readers as the inimitable Diane. Since her first appearance in 1939, she has come through the veil many times. It would seem such facets of the “Feminine-Principle” have been coming through the ages. Are they in reality beings from other planets? This is something we hope to prove in the near future.

At the completion of my book, “Over the Threshold,” Diane’s direct mediatorship terminated. She explained that “channelship” had been established; phenomena had played their dramatic roles, and henceforth I would be permitted to “tap” direct knowledge without the aid of a mediator. “Up Rainbow Hill” (for the most part) is channeled material.

The flying saucer era has passed, and with it the spectacle. It has not gone into oblivion, but rather has been metamorphosed into a living, vital Space Age. This is the story of the BREAKTHROUGH.

Dana Howard, December, 1958


There burns within each and everyone of us an incandescent light that can never be extinguished. It may lower to a flicker throughout a lifespan; there may be times when it has seemingly blacked out altogether, but there always comes a day when it is again fanned into a luminous flame.

When we trace the lifeline of those dedicated to a cosmic task we usually find they have experienced these fires of illumination. They have known, if but for a few moments, that complete Oneness. Their knowledge has not grown from books, but from a flowering within themselves.

Such a time came for me in 1939. It was a day of gathering up the waste and debris and casting it into the eternal flame. I quote from my book, “Flight to Venus”:

“My body became alive with a peculiar tingling glow. In an instant the feeling permeated every cell and atom of my being. It seemed to be dancing to the ecstasy of strange, polarized currents. The door to my mind opening and closing caused my consciousness to swing back and forth between reality and unreality.

“I leaped to my feet as if to herald in some cosmic drama. Then IT came, straining at my ankles like a gorgeous display of lighted fireworks; a transcendent violet flame that fanned out until it enveloped my body like an aura of sacred fire. As the flames grew in intensity, extending over a wide periphery, the flame raced through every cell, cleansing and purifying as it went. Channels of my mind that had been tightly closed before, opened up like an enchanted lotus flower. I was vibrant, magnetic, and I could feel the effervescence of an enthusiasm I had never felt before. My heart beating in rhapsodic rhythm was tuned in now to the heartbeat of the universe. I was no longer a citizen of a little, inhibited world, but a guest in the World Universal. I was no longer a separate entity, a human person, but a part and parcel of every inch of God’s glorious creation.

In that moment I knew, as others before have known, the true meaning of the Unity and ONENESS OF ALL.

“The sacred flame grew into a holocaust of splendor, continuing for an indefinite time. It finally died away, leaving only an essence. Alive with the fire of creation, everything within my range of vision had changed. The landscape, the wild flowers, the trees; they fairly scintillated with an array of gorgeous hues. They were not something apart now. I was one with them. They were one with me. In those sacred moments, I came to know the meaning of life. With the opening of the channels of perception, under the living reality of all things I stood with clarity. No longer bound to the bondage of earth, my mind and soul were at last free to travel at will.”

I did not know it then, but this was the beginning of my task ahead. I was on the threshold of new vista, but the time had not yet come for me to enter. The laying of the new foundation was an insuperable task. I was ground down to bedrock – the point of new beginnings. I was without the tools and the means of rising by my own bootstraps. The day had not been made ready, for I was ahead of the cosmic calendar. While I had for a few beautiful moments glimpsed the universal housetop, I still had to begin in the basement. It was only as I was forced to rise step by step that I could find the true equations. It seems the human spirit must wander in the bottomless grottos; it must make frequent pilgrimages to its beginnings.

It is never an easy road for it is ever strewn with the thorns and thickets. The thicker the brush the more awareness it requires to go through. Awareness is gained on the file of experience. The bridge between the conscious and the unconscious must be spanned and it must be spanned by human robots.

Recently Prime Minister U Nu of Burma made this statement to the West: “According to the ancient teachings here is but one way which will lead to freedom from suffering. This is none other than the way of complete awareness.”

Those who become aware and know the meaning of awareness are often relegated to the realm of the psychotic. Seldom are they recognized in their lifetime, but must wait for posthumous recognition. Nevertheless, they unquestionably represent segments of change. At certain intervals in the history of the world they come out of obscurity to lead the processional. They strike the gong of the cosmic clock. They open the universal reservoirs. Eventually thousands from every bracket of society join in the march. They take on the job of clearing away the debris, the densities created by the blunders of humanity. They set to work with a will to find ways to cleanse the Earth, to rid it of its poisons so that it can start over again.

Is it necessary to sink to the depths in order to rise to the heights? No! Absolutely not! We can clean the slate without the vicious caprice of the elements; without guns and cannons; without nuclear bombs. But as the lovely Diane once said: “The files of tradition will be closed and the memory of the past will be blotted out. Tradition will be left behind.” The Sun is rapidly fading on the horizon today. We have seen the rays of murky light, the density of the Earth’s fog. There is still time for accomplishment, but time is growing short. In the closing days of this cycle every department of life will be speeded up. Days and nights of eternity will be condensed in a few brief years. We have been given many reprieves, but the time has come for final decision.

Are we equal to gaining the poise, tolerance and understanding needed to make the transition to a world of fresh creation? Our reaction to the strange mutations we will experience in its unwinding process will measure the time it will require to uncoil toward the upward spiral.

Many are waiting. The very air is splitting with tenseness. A glance at the news headlines is all one needs to know that the world mind is in a horrible muddle. The slaughter of kings and monarchs is part of the brutal picture. When ideals are shattered, when hearts are riddled, the first thought is to avenge a seeming wrong. This has continued so long that there is little real security left anywhere.

The butchery and devastation will eventually come to an abrupt end. Human beings will tire of stepping through blood and gore. One by one they will seek some peaceful citadel where their minds will be at rest and they can think pure thoughts.

Many who have never prayed will fall to their knees in earnest. They will take part in the healing consciousness. They will join the long processional. This will be the time when ships will be seen sailing through the crystalline skies on and on into the interior regions of space. With the awakening, we will look eagerly toward the Space Age and the Brotherhood of Man.

The prospect of this awakening has made many ready and willing to tread the strange paths today. Basic consciousness is needed to prepare the new roadways in the sky. The pioneers of space consciousness will make mistakes, perhaps. They can expect many setbacks, but as they move forward, one day they will know victory. It is a lonely road they travel, for they have only unseen hands and inspiration from On High to guide them.

We are all human magnets. We have the power to draw to us anything we desire. At the points of transition we find the strongest force. This is the middle road where energies are transmuted into the “greater energies;” the newness of all things.

It is a staggering thought, but many believe preparation will be completed within the framework of one generation. We can make of our Earth the greatest commonwealth we have ever known, or we can lapse back into a centuries-long slumber.

Those who have dedicated their lives to change have assurance they will have plenty of assistance. They believe that beings from other planets will come to Earth to help them. Some of these other-planetary beings will seek embodiment in Earth bodies. Others will come in ships. Perhaps they will come to show us how to draft the manumission of justice, of peace, of beautiful living. Perhaps they will tell us how the moral fiber of men and nations can be improved. Perhaps they will draft for us a true mandate of brotherly love.

This is the decree of the Light Bearers. If we are willing to follow, eventually we will see the dazzling light. As the darkness begins to fade, intelligence will supplant bigotry and wisdom will rule the Earth.

Excerpt from Up Rainbow Hill

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