In the previous and opening transmission, you were conducted by Athena to the planet of Orion and to the city of Helianthus. We here are always trying to keep the interest in these transmissions going by the element of personal surprise. Now, before we go into these explorations more fully and conduct you through these remaining sections – although you may think that much of this is seemingly repetitious – yet for the sake of clarification, I shall again interject the original concepts of Shamballa.
The Shamballas are divided into seven dimensional segments, each related not only to the history of evolution of man on your earth, but also to the numerous other astral and terrestrial planets of the
So it is that man truly evolves, and in the different elements of personal evolution, he more fully relates himself t
It can be said that I spent a lifetime upon your planet, living in a very distant evolution of Chinese history. I also expressed something of the original conception and inception of Shamballa, as it was lived on the earth many hundreds of thousands of years ago. A little further along we shall go into other relationships which are called biocentric.
The student of truth who progresses in the different conceptions of philosophy, wh
Man has progressed into the centers here in Parhelion only through the virtue, dominion, and will of his own consciousness. He has become neither great nor small, but has become only a better servant to his God and to his fellow man. The various and conflicting elements of life, in the different terrestrial planets in the beginning of man’s evolution in some of the lower concepts, poses an infinite number and variety of interpretations.
As has been pointed out in previous transmissions, such varieties of interpretations to which man relates himself, pose in themselves as diametrical opposites. Here again we must stress emphatically the concept that as man is conceived in the spiritual nature, and as he so expresses himself in the lower dimensions, the same opposites of polarity which are sometimes conceived in the biocentric concept, are also expressed in his own individual concept. He has thus become quadricentric in his own way. This quadricentricity in turn will likewise lead into different dimensions and various versions of his expression, so that he is constantly influenced and impounded by the succession of these different inter-linking harmonic factors into his interpretation of life in his daily way of living.
The actual expression of life, as it exists with us, is one which means life itself in the expression of our service to our fellow man. We should at all times be able to function in unity and harmony with the expression as it flows into our consciousness from the higher dimensions, and this is expressed likewise in the different dimensions which we will say are below us; thus all evolve and grow into higher and into larger dimensional concepts of relationships.
The section here in Parhelion, which comes under the division of education and
Personally, I am the type of person who likes to go directly to the point and could never have been accused of being a loquacious person. Because these dimensions here in Parhelion and the classrooms and various functional orders have been quite clearly explained in different portions of the book, I shall not waste time here by further explaining these things to you.
This great center of Parhelion exists in somewhat of a higher vibratory rate, than the other six sections of the Shamballas, because Parhelion itself expresses a great directive force, since its position is immediately above. Although I dislike the word “above,” we need to use these words to convey to you the differences in frequency transmission, or the way in which the different orders of dimensions are divided into the conscious expression of man in his different evolutions.
This conditioning process is universal throughout the other sections, and is a very important fact which I would like to interject and point out to you. You may thus better understand the difference in the relationship of these sections to mankind in general, when an individual comes as an Initiate, or an Adept, or a Master into these sectional orders.
You will recall that in Coralanthea you saw Master Bach, a Master of music on the earth, teaching a
In this section, we shall explore music and its relationship in educational ways into other dimensions of man’s consciousness. Music manifests in different ways as harmonic structures, existing within the personality of every human being. So likewise must other inspirational arts and their expressions be interwoven or fashioned. These various spectrums of vibrationary frequencies are so interwoven that they become definite spiritual elements which enable man to progress on up into a higher dimension. A man cannot be devoid of any of these seven different dimensional expressions, and expect to develop a spiritual personality sufficiently to enable him to progress into the higher dimensions. A person must develop a sense of harmonic relationship which is contained, not only in the field of music, but in the field of science. However, he must also obtain an understanding of relationship structures in the portrayal of words, as they are intoned in the cabalistic intonations of the human voice. He must learn of the other factors and elements as they are expressed from these centers, which must enter into the fabric and composition of his nature. This will make him, in his entirety, a human soul who can further progress into the higher dimensions of relationship.
In the various expressions of life philosophies contained in the earth dimensions, the elemental
The word which I would like to interject here into your domain of consciousness is balance. We cannot over-emphasize the importance and value of balance in your everyday life. As you will thus see, your lives are constantly being projected from one polarity to another, or, as you have termed it, from the positive to the negative. Or, you may say that whenever you try to do something good, you always end up by having something bad happen to you. As has been explained, this is the diametrically opposed opposite or polarity of your everyday life. The balance which should be maintained, is somewhere in the position of relationship between the elements of the negative and the positive, formulating in your own minds, and acquiring as your daily philosophies, the proper relationship of these different polarities of the negative and positive. Thus you will acquire the necessary intelligence and fortitude which will enable you to progress into different relationships.
The idea that time and circumstance, or the age in which you live, is impinged into your consciousness, is somewhat unrelative. A person cannot be said to be standing still in any one
In the future day when man ascends into the spiritual dimension and has freed his mind, there will of course be the negative stance of his philosophy; or by the same token, we could say that man could not ascend into this higher dimension until he has removed these obstructive ideas of negation and their intent and purpose from his daily life. Thus he has evolved, and in this evolution he has now placed himself as an individual concept of negative polarity with the Infinite (God).
God moves or oscillates from positive to negative. In this oscillation, man will also become, in his expression outwardly to his fellow man, dimensions of negative relativity within his own concept. The circumstance of evolution, as it has been portrayed to you in the various periods of history of the earth, is a direct portrayal into the working of this cosmic intelligence and into the flight of evolution of numerous orders of intelligence, as they are contained in different individuals.
The individual thus links himself into these different dimensional expressions simply by the relationship of concept within his own mind. It is very important for the individual to know that he is a participating element in the general scheme of evolution in the Mind of God, for he thus becomes a participant in this general synthesis. Thus he will evolve into the time and place of a more direct and personal relationship with the Infinite Intelligence.
Having presented to you these more abstract concepts, you will begin to develop the idea in your mind that the philosophies of the earth, as they have been rather loosely gathered into the materialistic domain which is about you, were confined so that they involved the person only in his immediate life and circumstance of his time. How fallacious indeed are these interpretations; for only when the embodiment of the pure truths become the necessary structural and supporting elements of his own personal philosophy and when thoroughly interjected into his life, will man free himself from the conscious domain of the material expression.
The flight of the soul, or the evolution of man through the time and space of God’s great cosmic
In his future evolution on the planet earth, it would be well if man could include in his philosophies the necessary structures whereby he could see himself as a vital and participating individual in a cosmic scheme of evolution. It would not only involve his own planet, in his own dimension and in his own time – as he calls his earth life span of three-score and ten – but he would also include in his hypothesis the necessary spiritual elements whereby he would see himself living in other worlds and in other dimensions. These worlds are infinite in number and infinite in expression; and man will relate himself to these worlds directly in proportion to the compounded elements of his own innermost nature, as he has derived them from the experience of his present terrestrial existence.
Until such time in the future, your brother, – Kuthumi”
Excerpt from The Voice of Orion