Vortex Implosion – The Secret of Viktor Schauberger
by Leopold Brandstatter
Viktor Schauberger was to water what Nikola Tesla was to electricity. He was a recognized genius known as the “water wizard”.
It has been clearly and conclusively established already that technology in its various experimental and practical attempts to produce useful energy resorts only to pressure forces (water, steam, air or gas pressure) or that it makes either direct, or indirect use of the heat of combustion to produce expansion and explosion – again pressure forces – which it then converts to useful energy.
Thus we have established the fact that so far technology has only partly recognized the significance of Nature’s polarity. Only after having explored the above mentioned deeper psychological factors do we begin to understand why it has seemed preferable to utilize the pressure component. This totally one-sided attitude in regard to the production of energy is responsible for the fact that the essential balance of the bipolar structure of the basic natural elements has been severely upset and all life on earth put in gravest danger of extinction.
All life has its secret in dipolarity. Without opposite poles there can be no attraction, and no repulsion. Without attraction and repulsion there can be no movement, and without the latter, no life. Light calls for darkness, because without darkness it would have no meaning. The alternation of warmth and cold, of day and night is also of greatest importance to our planet. While one side of the earth is cooling, its other side is getting warmer. These temperature differences produce a constant flux which results in a spiral rotation just as it happens with hot and cold air fronts whose meeting results in cyclones and hurricanes. There are even differences in the earth’s weight, because on its warm side the weight increase is absolute and on the cold side specific. This, together with the magnetic forces, produces a declining rotational movement. The temperature differences exert a constant pressure which sets the masses in motion as it seeks compensation.
The counterpart of heat is cold; of the negative – positive; of the masculine – feminine, etc.
Opposites represent an integral part of nature’s course which, in reality, does not describe a complete circle but a spiral. This observation, though of the greatest importance, has failed to attract the attention it deserves. All that lives (at this level of consciousness or being) moves between two opposites, between two poles – hence dipolarity – spiraling upwards toward enlightenment and purification, or downwards through deterioration and degeneration toward ruin. This depends on whether the driving force is centripetal (that is, concentric – toward the center) or centrifugal (that is, excentric – toward the outside). The excentric or cenrifugal force leads to destruction, the concentric or centripetal force leads to growth and enrichment. This is equally true of material and of spiritual matters.
In the Tabula Smaragdina, the oldest of Arian Writs, we find the following significant words cut in the emerald: “Combine the heavenly with the earthly in accordance with the Laws of Nature, and health and happiness shall be yours as long as you live.” Only the finest elements should be mated and blended if one wishes to obtain each time a finer and higher product. To mate, means to unite and to stimulate two opposites, the positive and the negative. The negative attracts the positive and the latter is drawn to the negative. Sunlight, which is positive, fertilizes the negative grain seed in the womb of the earth. A constant exchange of emissions between the positive atmosphere and the negative geosphere brings the seed to life. In this case it can be truly said: “She partly drew him down, he partly let himself sink.” (Goethe: The Ballad of the Fisherman)
Union between the offspring of the earth and the descendants of the sun gives rise to life in the physical realm which is directed by the Etheric forces. The latter, on the other hand, have their own higher counterpart. The negative offspring of the earth capture the positive descendants of the sun and this produces a constant automatic movement. In the spring of the year, when the temperature and light conditions are relatively favorable, the positive rays of the sun (light) induce germination in the negative grains or seed. Therefore, to combine, means to stimulate and produce various gradients of potential. This in turn produces movement which is the very basis of life, so that everything is in constant flux (panta rhei).
Although the world is animated by a single universal force, this force can be divided into two contrasting elements – the pressure component, and the suction component. In this case, Nature’s dipolarity expresses itself in the form of two differ-exit types of motion. Each of these types manifests itself through certain specific phenomena and represents one of the two components of the force which animates and activates the whole universe. The secret of the normal and good life consists of achieving the proper balance or blend of these two components. (see “Tabula Smaragdina”. This is pure Cabala. All occult science, East and West, bases itself on this principle, Chokmah and Bina, Osiris and Isis, Orpheus and Eurydice. The whirling Hooked Cross, the Swastika, is the symbol. Revolving counter-clockwise, centrifugal, it is negative. Revolving clockwise, centripetal, it is positive.)
The pressure component leads to Centrifugence, friction, increased heat and gravitation; while the suction compoment leads to Centripetence, cooling, absence of friction and levitation – which makes it possible to overcome gravity. While friction may produce even white heat, fire, Centripetence produces a temperature drop which may reach what is known as the State of Anomaly which, in the case of water, +4° Centigrade. However, this is possible only if one uses Schauberger’s suction spiral, a device which, on the whole, is still unknown.
Each living entity has its specific and characteristic point of Anomaly. This should be understood as the temperature or fever-less condition, that is, the optimum degree of warmth required by its species to develop and proliferate.
Until now technology has recognized only one type of motion, the type which raises the temperature through friction and pressure. Even ancient tribes knew that fire could be produced by rubbing together wood or stones; but it took Viktor Schauberger to discover a new type of motion producing not heat, but a temperature drop, reaching at times the point of Anomaly. This can be accomplished by tightly winding or coiling either air or water through a spiral curved channel of special design.
In this process the medium – air or water – is drawn almost without friction toward a central point, condensed in a special manner and at the same time cooled. A biological vacuum (negative pressure) is created which, on its part, augments the suction acting on air or water. Until now this possibility has been overlooked in technology, and yet it offers totally new perspectives in regard to energy production. Friction creates in a machine conditions comparable to fever, conditions which cannot be normal, since they tax materials excessively and burn them out.
People and animals do not develop fever because of work. They may get hot but their blood temperature remains relatively constant. Normal conditions in machinery can be achieved by or through implosion and impansion with the best possible results in regard to the preservation of materials. It would seem obvious that man’s duty is not to waste and squander as quickly as he can the resources of the earth, but to preserve and conserve them. Machinery design, therefore, should avoid all material waste and should ensure at the same time durability. Our unscrupulous modern technology and economy, unfortunately, have been moving in the opposite direction.
The two types of motion which nature employs give rise to the following phenomena:
(a) “Centrifugence” – resistance to friction, pressure temperature rise, biological deterioration
(b) “Centripetence” – absence of friction, suction temperature drop, biological improvement
“Centrifugence”, which is a scattering of force, is slowed down by natural causes, because the resistance it encounters grows as the square of its velocity, following the well known formula W=MV2 . Were it not for this fact, matter would risk being destroyed, or would be in danger of being broken up into atoms. The opposite is true of “Centripetence”. Its effective force undergoes no deceleration, since there is virtually no friction, and grows, instead, as the square of its velocity. Centripetence contracts, conserves, condenses and therefore benefits life. It attracts and absorbs without producing pressure.
It is obvious therefore that as a result of natural laws, the effective power of centrifugal motion is never as great as that of centripetal motion, the first being destructive, the second constructive. Were the destructive force more powerful than the constructive force the universe would not exist. (The Christ is Centripetence. The Anti-Christ is Centrifugence.) Unfortunately our whole technology has committed the error of choosing the destructive force as a means to its own ends, and this tragic choice of the mode of propulsion and motivation, having completely disrupted the ratios and balance of nature, has brought it to a blind alley. Instead of applying by preference, as nature does, centripetence which permits producing energy almost at no cost, it has done the opposite. This has resulted in an over-consumption of raw materials, in an explosion and exploitation of natural resources, until now the very destruction of atoms has been reached.
Centrifugence increases pressure and heat. Centripetence has a cooling effect and generates condensing reactive forces. It never cools beyond the point of anomaly. We know that while moderate chilling and moderate cold conserves, refreshes and preserves, rising temperatures lead to heat, putrefaction and combustion.
In order to subsist, life must have both heat and cold. Exposure to excessive heat and light produces cancer in organic tissues (but living organic tissues); in dead organic tissues it produces rapid putrefaction and decay. Cold, on the other hand, preserves, consolidates and arrests disintegration. For this reason, food can be preserved only by applying cold. With the temperature at +4° C. thus cold is as important to life as warmth. Man must strike the golden mean between the two in order to realize the best conditions for his development and propagation.
All mechanical movement is the outcome of attraction and repulsion. However, the dominant factor regulating motion is not the pressure component, as assumed by our whole fire technology of steam pressure, hydraulics, electrical power, gas pressure, atomic fission, etc., but the suction component. So far, however, this component has been completely neglected by our technology and overlooked in mechanics. The tragic end of our civilization and culture is therefore inevitable, unless the new type of energy which can be produced by means of suction can be utilized in the form of implosion and impansion for industrial purposes.
In its second and higher phases, Centripetence generates magnetic forces, namely what is known as diamagnetism – a special type of vital energy lacking which no creature can survive.
As we see, there is one type of motion which determines a temperature rise, another which determines temperature drop. Now then, these systems of motion should be organized and adjusted in such a way as to have the constructive forces representing always over 50% of the total. When this ratio is exceeded, which of course should never be allowed to happen, synthesis becomes too rapid and there is maximum activation of the so-called etheric form of carbons, a maximum which equals approximately 94%, plus 4 to 6% condensed oxygen. Conversely, by destroying these products of synthesis one obtains a product containing only 4 to 5% high-grade substances and an excess of accumulated solar energy wastes, that is, complete peroxidation. (See also effects of radioactivity). A peroxidation of energy concentrates leads to a hyperacidity of the blood and lymph due to a deficiency of high-grade substances, then to cell damage, cell destruction and cancer.
Therefore, for the sake of his well-being, man should be careful not to resort to fire technology alone; that is, to that type of motion which produces friction and Centrifugence. In order to create for himself healthy, normal conditions, to get the best out of life – or make his life better, he should apply rather the planetary type of motion which is not Centrifugal, excentric, but primarily Centripetal, that is, concentric.
In nature there is definitely no such thing as homogeneous motion. The predominantly Centripetal type of motion which produces diamagnetic levitation is based exclusively on the spiral. Only this motion permits the planets to orbit freely around the sun following their predetermined paths. This could not be the result of gravitation alone, but also of their own powers of levitation. Only the proper balance between gravitation and levitation, between the attractive and the pressure forces makes it possible for the individual planets and the various solar systems to move along their courses, as parts of Spiral Nebulae.
Without the Spiral there can be no levitation. This represents the opposite of gravitation – an observation which has yet to be made by orthodox science. All we know about levitation – that is, the art of overcoming gravity – has come down to us only through the Secret Teachings (for instance the Whirling Dervishes of the Middle East). The geometrical spiral is the basis of all planetary movement. It represents the motion which is employed by nature as a means of ascent and purification. In 1919 it was found by Viktor Schauberger that the spiral can be adapted to technical uses in the form of a suction impeller. Today only its opposite, the pressure impeller, is being used; while the suction impeller is still unknown.
Centripetal motion, in contrast to Centrifugal motion, is not circular but spiral. All that moves in a circle remains in one place both spatially and biologically and becomes arrested in its development. That which is arrested in its development is forced to regress. There is no standstill in nature; in the universe there is only advance and retreat.
Technologists are still quite unaware that the only path to growth and rise is the spiral. The consequences of this seemingly harmless oversight are nevertheless catastrophic. Centrifugence produces friction and friction produces fire. It eliminates water and robs the soil of its fertility. The soil, only temporarily stimulated by artificial fertilizers, is hastened in its truly cancerous process and becomes gradually barren. One of the economic consequences of this oversight is the looting of natural resources and their total depletion, which brings about political unrest, wars, increasing spiritual and sexual impotence, degeneracy and finally the end of culture and civilization.
“The spiral represents an upward path” (Infinity 1/10). Nature requires a type of motion which is primarily planetary, spiral, because this type heats neither the water, or as the case may be, the air serving as the medium of motion, nor the implosion motor – the design of which must embody the system of spiral curves presented by the original model – but which cools them instead to their natural point of anomaly.
This anomaly is the natural boundary line between the positive atmosphere and the negative geosphere with their different potentials. This explains nature’s constant unrest. Optimum conditions for life are found within this boundary zone which, in humans and animals, is the normal blood temperature. Motors, too, have a certain atmospheric state of anomaly in which they function best or, as in the case of our current engines, in which their pressure and performance reach the highest peak.
When water, the life blood of the earth, is centrifuged or exposed to excessive, unfiltered solar radiation, its temperature rises. It develops a “fever”, due to the decentralizing reactive forces which are generated in the process. This brings life to the harmful microorganisms which may be present in the water, since their growth is stimulated by higher temperatures. They begin to proliferate rapidly and deprive the physical primogeniture (water) of its vital energy, so that as soon as it has exceeded a certain temperature – this limit begins already at +9° Centigrade – it becomes lifeless and dies for lack of high-grade elements, becoming more and more shallow and unpalatable.
However, if we restore in this congenitally diseased, “cancerous” water its original, that is, primarily planetary, radio-axial movement by means of special vessels and devices, its temperature falls and the pathogenic bacteria die in the absence of temperature which allows them to proliferate. This does not mean, however, that cooling with ice or by other artificial means will restore the original properties of water which has been heated. This can be achieved only by using spiral geometric curves capable of restoring the water’s diamagnetism and of regenerating its etheric forces.
Water deteriorates when its temperature exceeds a certain limit, whether due to overheating and overexposure to light, or to the action of compressor turbines, water wheels, pressure pumps, etc., whereupon such valuable fish as trout, salmon, etc., can no longer breed. During the spawning season these species, as we know, have to migrate upstream toward the head of the river, where the water temperature is +4° C, since their young, lacking the necessary adaptability, can develop only at this temperature.
This is also the reason why the spiral should be used for technical purposes, releasing and making available unsuspected supplies of power. This however, can be accomplished not through explosion – the spiral cannot be used in internal combustion engines – but through impansion and implosion; not through destruction but through consolidation, synthesis and purification.
Today, preference is given in general to a type of motion which is centrifugal, thus excentric, resulting in high energy losses and being responsible for the criminally wasteful exploitation of natural raw materials, seeing that it wastes far more than it produces. This is a type of motion which represents in nature a cancerogenic factor.
Unfortunately, it has not occurred to science so far that Centripetence permits achieving the very opposite of what is produced by Centrifugence. Nature knows how to protect herself from all danger. It is quite helpless only when it faces such totally destructive devices as atomic bombs. Even Centrifugence is destructive because of heat and the decentralizing reflected radiations it produces. The opposite is true of Centripetence or the spiral movement.
This fact proves not only that truly unbelievable supplies of energy can be mobilized, but also that this can be done almost without expenditure, since the method requires neither costly fuels nor nuclear fission; and only a small amount of water or air, which is refined in the process. The pull of the suction spiral can yield any required amount of energy. Remembering that during hurricanes and cyclones the same suction forces are at work and that they lift easily tons of sea water, whole buildings, or even railroad trains which fall into their paths, one can imagine what could be achieved were it possible to produce them by mechanical means. A great visionary and inventor has been able to find the answer to this splendid riddle by submitting nature to a careful and close scrutiny.
In this case however, the difficulty was not how to discover the mysterious and resistance-less suction forces, but how to design the proper tubes, since ordinary round tubes cannot be used. It meant finding a tube design which would make it possible to control these forces. Viktor Schauberger was fortunate enough to wrest also this secret from nature, but for the time being it cannot be discussed due to the status of the patent rights. Truly careful observation can help solve even the most difficult problems.
Those still hampered by obsolete physical and technical concepts find it hard to understand such natural laws, because they are still firmly convinced that a motor must be supplied at one end with 100% energy in the form of coal, oil, water or the like, in order to deliver at the other 10 to 30% effective power. With Implosion this ratio is reversed! The temperature gradient can be utilized almost 100% since there are virtually no friction losses. In the case of the Implosion, an impulse starts the suction spiral, whereupon the whole turbine begins to breathe like a living organism; or, when water is used, to act like an arterial or venous circulatory system. It produces at the same time a biological vacuum and continues to function until the supply of energy which is stored in the material, that is, in the moving medium, has been used up.
This amazing and hitherto unknown phenomenon can be explained by a friction-less movement of medium structures. This is exactly how nature solves the problem of friction-less and heat-less speed increases. The answer to this problem is a basic requirement in the production of power. Its cost is negligible, but it can produce the desired results only when the artificially accelerated flowing medium enters an advancing vortex whose suction force increases as the flowing medium gradually undergoes mechanical and specific condensation while being tightly coiled. A molecular suction point is formed on its own axis. This point draws the rapidly flowing medium from the walls toward the center, twisting it into a spiral which can be imagined as a screw within a screw. This prevents friction and reduces the temperature. Exactly the reverse is being done at present. As a result of Centrifugence, friction and resistance are increased; increased pressures lead to power losses and increased heat, all of which expresses itself in the form of excentric reactive forces which inhibit the synthesis of high-grade elements. As we can see, an inevitable inhibiting atomic force is generated. This force which grows as the square of the velocity, represents nature’s emergency brake. This would have been learned long ago, if nature had been observed with care.
A continuous movement produced by rotation is not the same as rotation produced by means of pressure. It does make a difference whether concentrates of basic materials contained in a moving medium are drawn, or compressed. Through intentional or unintentional pull and suction one can generate water spontaneously, while through pressure one can produce only fire. This is why in its processes of synthesis nature employs only the spiral motion, inasmuch as only the latter leads to healthy growth and development.
Excerpt from Implosion And The Path Of Natural Energy
To continue reading further see here.
Living Energies: Viktor Schauberger’s Brilliant Work With Natural Energy by Callum Coats
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