Why There Is No Missing Link

Why-There-Is-No-Missing-Link-main-2-postIn much of the Unariun literature, it has been discussed that and rightfully so that there is no missing link. There is a dividing line between animal and man as is explained here in an excerpt from Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation, Chapter 6 (also see Part II and Part III)

The following video with partial transcript underneath confirms what the Unariun Liturgies have been saying from the start, what scientists are beginning to confirm now.

Transcript excerpt from above video by Greg Braden

The Human Genome Project was the first attempt to map our genetic makeup. It began in 1990 and it ended and the announcements were made in 2003 and Francis Collins was one of the visionaries that led this. I have a lot of respect for this man. He’s done some amazing work. I don’t necessarily agree with all of his conclusions but I have a lot of respect for him as a man.

Before the Human Genome Project there was a belief in the Life Sciences, in biology, that it took one gene to program each protein in the human body and because there are approximately 100,000 proteins give or take, the thinking was, if it takes one gene to create each of those that we would have about 100,000 genes and the implications for that were vast. The pharmaceutical companies believed that if they could isolate those 100,000 genes that they could create products that could target each of those individual genes; there’s 100,000 new products and in terms of disease and what it means for longevity and for, I mean, everything. Everything from cancers to diabetes to whatever is happening in the human body. The thinking was it could be addressed through understanding the map of these genes. What happened surprised everyone because at the end of the Genome Project it was discovered that the human body only has about 20 to 25,000 genes. That’s not just a little mistake, that’s not just a small margin of error, that is a magnitude, several magnitudes of difference from what was believed to be happening, and what it told the researchers was that something about their theory was wrong. And what they discovered is that it’s not a one-to-one correspondence. It’s not one gene for every protein. Individual genes have the ability to program different proteins. This is where Epigenetics comes from.

It is the environment that determines how the gene expresses and what proteins it creates. Some genes can create many many many proteins and when I say environment it can be the external environment or the world around us. Those are toxins in the environment that can down-regulate genes, harmful UV radiation, or radiation from a nuclear power plant, or those kinds of things, but perhaps the most powerful environment is not outside of us, it’s inside of us. It is the thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs. Stress is a powerful Epigenetic factor that can up-regulate or down-regulate these genes. So with only 20 to 25,000 genes we can program that 100,000 plus number of proteins that allows us to be who we are. That was a big deal and scientists don’t like to talk about that very much because it means everything they were teaching up until 2003 was based on this one gene for one protein principle. It was wrong. It was wrong and it was hard for them to admit that. So I want to say about the Genome Project in general, it’s amazing, because it told us where we were wrong and it opened the door to a powerful possibility of self-regulation. This is something that comes into play for a lot of advocates.

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

When it comes to Darwin’s theory, because what this video was all about was the efficacy of evolution in general, and I’m just going to say to you straight up as a scientist, I’m a degreed geologist, I believe in evolution. I support evolution. Evolution is a fact. I’ve seen it in the fossil records. I’ve seen it in insects preserved in Amber in Florissant, Colorado. I have seen it in marine life. I’ve seen it in plants. I’ve seen it in animals so I have no problem with the theory of evolution to explain certain forms of life. Here’s where the the issue comes in. Darwin’s theory of evolution breaks down when it comes to humans, when it comes to us. Scientists are pretty much in agreement, well they were in agreement, that we appeared upon this Earth about 200,000 years ago. A recent discovery has now pushed that date back to about 300,000 years. So scientists are pretty much in agreement that we humans appeared on Earth between two and 300,000 years ago. No controversy around that. The question is how did it happen. They are in agreement that what are called anatomically modern humans, that’s us, and the acronym is AMH. Anatomically modern humans appeared 2 to 300,000 years ago. The issue comes in in terms of when we appeared and the way we appeared. We appeared relatively suddenly in the overall scheme of things. We appeared with a brain capacity, a brain size 50% larger than our nearest primate relative. We appeared with the ability for complex speech in a way that no other form of life and no other primate has and these capabilities are due to mutations that happened in our genome in a way that cannot be attributed to natural processes. They cannot be attributed to evolution, at least as we know evolution today. Evolution through Darwin’s perspective or from Darwin’s perspective is slow change gradually over long periods of time.

Steven J. Gould, another evolutionary biologist, put forth a theory of what’s called Punctuated Evolution where it looks like things aren’t happening for a while and then there’s a big jump and then nothing happens then a big jump. We don’t really fit into any of those and I want to talk to you a little bit about why that is and it has to do with the genome. In the human genome one of our chromosomes is a mysterious chromosome. It’s number two and it creates, it provides a large percentage, I don’t know the exact percentage, but a large percentage of the DNA in our nucleus of our genome. It’s the second largest chromosome in the human body. How chromosome two came to be is controversial and it is mysterious but let me tell you why it’s important. There are about 1200 to 1300 genes on human chromosome number two. I’m going to talk about only one of those genes. It’s called TBR 2. TBR 2 is responsible for the brain size twice as large as our nearest primate relatives: chimps, gorillas, and apes. Twice as large, it is responsible for about 86% of the neocortex and the neocortex in the human brain is where we attribute so many of the faculties that give us our humanness: our ability for empathy, sympathy and compassion; our ability to self-regulate our own biology, and so much of our mirror neurons for example are in the neocortex. Gene TBR 1 is responsible for much of that and Gene TBR 1 is the product of something mysterious that happened to create human chromosome number two. If we didn’t have chromosome number two we wouldn’t be here. Now what it is that happened to create human chromosome 2. This is where the mystery comes in.

You’ve probably heard of telomeres, some people pronounce them tilomeres; the protective caps on the end of the chromosomes, so that each time a cell divides that’s a traumatic experience for the chromosome and the telomeres take the hit of that trauma rather than the vital DNA information below the telomeres. So if you’re going to have a cell division and a part of the DNA does not make that split you don’t want that to be a vital piece of information that programs your immune system or you know your circulatory system or something like that. So the way that we are made is that the telomeres will be the portions that don’t make the cut and all the vital DNA inside does. Those telomeres are on the ends of the chromosomes. So I’m saying this to you because in human chromosome 2 not only are telomeres on the ends of the chromosomes they are also in the middle and they are in the middle at a pinch point where scientists now know that two previously existing fully intact chromosomes fused together. So two pre-existing chromosomes fused together and the fusion where the telomeres used to be on the ends, they’re now in the middle. That’s not where it ends. After that fusion occurred there were genes that were silenced, is a term that’s used, when the genes are no longer active. There were genes that appear to be removed. Genes that appeared to be inserted to stabilize the fusion and to take away the redundancy. When you think about this, if there were two fully intact chromosomes, they were each doing their own thing and all the functions were there. When you fuse them together there is an overlap in function. There’s a redundancy and you don’t want that. You don’t want them working against one another. So there was a process where certain genes were either removed or they were silenced or some others were activated. All of this happened in a very short period of time. Now we know of nothing in nature that provides or allows for this kind of a fusion.

Now I want to be really clear on this because I know biologists are watching this. We do see a fusion of chromosomes in nature and it’s actually more common than you would think. However the way that happens is a chromosome, so here, this pen is a chromosome and the telomeres are the shiny places on the end and every once in a while something will happen and the chromosome will break in nature. Could be a high UV radiation, it could be environmental toxins. So there are times where human chromosomes will break and what happens is when they break they will fuse at those break points so the telomeres are still on the ends. There’s no telomeres in the middle and they’ll fuse at those break points. That’s not what happened to you and me. What is responsible for us, one of the things, is that there was the pre-existing fully functional chromosomes that fused and then were modified after the fusion in a way that cannot be explained through natural processes. All right that’s one thing. Now as strange as that is, if that was the only thing that happened or as rare as that, you could say wow, you know, that it’s a fluke but it happened. It’s not the only mutation that happened. At the same time there was another mutation that was happening in chromosome number 7. The result of that mutation gave us the ability for complex speech. It’s the reason that chimpanzees cannot sing and apes and gorillas cannot sing but humans do. For over 75 million years this chromosome, these genes in chromosome 7, they were stable, all right, and all of a sudden there was a little just this little switch in the DNA letters. You’ve seen the letters in what’s called the genetic alphabet C-T-A-G, they are abbreviations for the components that make up the DNA. There was a little switch in two of those letters that connected our tongue and the muscles in our jaw and the part of our brain that allows for complex speech and singing that happened only to us. It didn’t happened to any other mammals, no other primates. It only happened to humans and here’s the kicker, it happened at exactly the same time in that 200,000 to 300,000 year range when chromosome 2 was also fused together when humans emerged.

So when we emerged we were fully enabled and fully intact with the potential and the capabilities that we have today. They did not develop slowly gradually over a long period of time. I did not see Francis Collins address that and it’s difficult to address that. What he did address was evolution in support of Darwin’s theory for life in general and I fully support that because, whatever we were, we inherited the DNA of those earlier forms of life. So yes there is Darwin’s evolution that played a role in the genetic makeup that led up to two or 300,000 years ago but something happened two or 300,000, between two and 300,000 years ago that cannot be explained by Darwin’s theory of evolution that precipitated the emergence of the first anatomically modern human and that something is a mystery. That something is along with the miscalculations in the genome. Those are two things that I didn’t see Francis Collins address in this particular video.

The Genome And DNA

Just to give you an idea, if you’re a statistician, scientists say that the odds, when the odds of something occurring are 10 to the 400th power so 10 * 10 * 10 * 10 400 times, if the odds of something occurring are 10 to 400th, scientifically that is said to be impossible. Those are considered to be impossible odds. If you had a lottery ticket and the chances of that lottery ticket being a winning ticket were 10 to the 400th I wouldn’t spend much time on that. Scientists have calculated now that the odds of our genome in general forming and chromosome 2 the way it is formed as part of that, that the odds of that happening are 10 to the 600th. If 10 the 400th is impossible, 10 to the 600th is more than impossible. It’s more than impossible that we are the product of random mutations, natural selection, resulting from Darwin’s theory.

So the point is if we are not the product of natural selection and random mutations then what are we the product of and this is what opens the door to a very empowering conversation. As a scientist what I’m going to say to you is scientifically we do not know. Now we have theories, we have opinions, we have intuition, scientifically we do not know, and the reason we do not know is because the scientific community is reluctant to follow the evidence to the story that it tells, rather they are very emphatic that they want to take the new discoveries, the new evidence, and force it into a pre-existing story that is called Darwin’s theory of evolution, when in fact there’s room for both. It doesn’t have to be either or. Yes, Darwin’s theory of evolution describes life in general and processes within life, not 100%, there’s some problems, but I think it does. It’s the best that we have. It does a good job. I am not anti-evolution, however, I am adamant that something breaks down in the evolutionary story 2 to 300,000 years ago when it comes to us. We’re the product of something and as a scientist I can only say this: It appears that we’re the product of an intervention. An intelligent intervention. Some people call it a divine intervention that took the pre-existing forms of life, the most advanced pre-existing forms of life that existed at that time, and catapulted us light years beyond that. How that happened and who we attribute that to, that’s a whole different – that would be another video. That’s a whole different conversation but you can see where religion comes in because religion picks up with that intervention.

Religion And The Divine Intervention

Religion picks up with some kind of what is called a divine intervention and that is one perspective of looking at this. Scientists aren’t going to go after that but they are now finding that they are at a dead end and the only way to break the impass is they have to follow the evidence: who or what is responsible for us? Now this is where as a scientist I have to leave the conversation, so what I’m going to say to you is not me as a scientist, it is me with informed speculation. So I will use my informed speculation as well as some research that I have done as well. There are multiple, I think there are multiple explanations. One of those explanations is that we are related, as many of us suspect, to intelligence that permeates this cosmos that we simply have not been made aware of in recent history. That theory is supported culturally, almost universally. Every indigenous tradition, well I will say this, every indigenous tradition that I’ve ever studied, I have not studied every indigenous tradition on the planet, but everywhere, from the highlands of central China and Tibet and the monks and the nuns and the mystics in Nepal and India, all through the American desert Southwest and the the indigenous first people’s traditions, all the way with the time that I’ve spent in the Andes Mountains of Peru and onto the Altiplano of Bolivia and their traditions, the Aboriginal Traditions, the traditions that we find throughout Africa, every one of those says to us that we are related to an intelligence beyond the physical planet that we live on. I’m going to say it another way: Not one of those traditions says that we’re the product of random mutations. Not one. So that’s cultural, now you may say that’s not science, and that is a perspective, but that’s cultural.

Now archaeological, archaeologically in the last five years, a growing number of archaeological remnants are being discovered and I’m consulting on some of these projects both as a geologist as well as a linguist to understand what the script on these artifacts is telling us, but a growing number of artifacts are depicting our relationship with a cosmic intelligence. The ancient Sumerian text, if you’re familiar with Sitchin’s work, depict an interaction between us and cosmic beings. Now Sitchin’s perspective was that we were created as a race of slaves to work for a higher intelligence. While I suspect that we may have been enslaved at times in our ancient history, I firmly believe that’s not the purpose. It’s not the reason that we were created and I think the evidence certainly supports that. The point is that archaeological evidence is depicting this relationship that would support some kind of an intervention.

So now we’ve got cultural evidence, we’ve got archaeological evidence. The fossil evidence has never supported Darwin’s idea of evolution for humans. It does support the idea when you look at the evolutionary family tree and you see the lines connecting, you know Australopithecus and you know Lucy and you know the Lewis Leakeys and all the work that they did. Those are all solid lines connecting all those ancient forms of life. If you look closely, go to the Smithsonian map and you can see this. Modern humans AMH are connected to those through a dashed line and if you look at the legend, what the dash line will say is that these are speculative or inferred relationships. It means we think that they’re there but that we just haven’t found the evidence to support them.

Darwin put forth his theory in 1859 after 150 plus years. It’s been over 100 years. If we were on the right track to find the evidence supporting Darwin’s theory, I think we would be further along than we are right now. We’ve had the best Minds, the greatest scientists, the greatest sums of money, the greatest technology ever existing to help us to support Darwin’s theory and what it does and this is where it gets tricky. It gets tricky because there’s nuance. It validates Darwin’s theory for life in general and I fully support that. It doesn’t support our emergence two to 300,000 years ago. Something happened that cannot be explained by Darwin’s theory and this is where so many people fall. They say if it’s not evolution then it’s got to be religion. I believe there’s a middle ground. I think there’s something that’s not being accounted for and that something is the intervention that happened in a way that perhaps we are the product of. And as we develop our potential, as we develop the untapped potentials within us, I think those potentials will lead us to the deep truth of the answer of who are we and where do we come from.

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