World Of Tomorrow
Above Image Credit: Morgan Stanley Hero
by Ernest L. Norman
Dear Ones – I am so glad to be with you this evening. I am the identity of Carrie Jacobs Bond, and am most happy to greet you from this great plane of music, drama, art, and literature here in UN.AR.I.U.S.. If you recall some time ago in your former residence, during the early summer months, I made contact with Ruth and was able to impress her with a few lines which came to my mind at that time, and thus it was that we began to open up the channel with her, so that it brings us up to this present moment where I am with you again here in this great Center of UN.AR.I.U.S., which is devoted to the inspirational arts as they are connected to the great central planet of Muse and the vast city of Coralanthus which you formerly visited in one of your other books.
Here, like all the other Centers, is one which is primarily devoted to integration and leadership in various fields. If you have studied my personal biography on the earth, you will know that I had rather a terrible time through ill health and in many ways before I was able to bring to the world some of the song and music which I felt within me and which was part of the harmony of the great Consciousness of God. The future student should remember a most important point – that in learning wisdom or knowledge from any astral plane or such Center of UN.AR.I.U.S. – he would be very wise indeed if he would also carry a full measure of wisdom in the capacity of the most vital and essential integration of leadership. It does one small good to learn or to feel the innermost expression of God working through him, if he cannot express this outwardly to humanity and share this great inspiration with his fellow man.
About the world today, just as there have been in so many hundreds of thousands of years of earth history, the talented youth of your country of America, as well as in the foreign countries of the world, are literally dying unrecognized, thus, bringing a great sorrow into their hearts which is indeed a heavy burden of karma. It is also a strange paradox in America today that those seemingly with the least talent are sometimes the most successful in expressing some very retrograde or a blatant form of music or poetry to such inspirational arts. As in their case, I would be very loathe to participate in such expressions. They are indeed purely the teachings of the lower astral realms wherein those who are dedicated to the destructive purposes of their own selfish desires are seeking to coerce and intimidate the youth of America, for it is quite obvious that America has assumed leadership in many fields. The new age shall be built from the foundations of the democratic interests in humanity as are expressed in America
Before I proceed further with my little discussion, I would mention that there are many illustrious persons here with me who are assisting in this transmission, and your own guide, God-father Mohammed, is here with me and is most anxious for the time in which he will personally conduct you into the ceremony of the Easter festival where you will hear the words of our Most High Leader. There are also other well-known artists and poets as well as musicians who are here with me; one who is called Franz Schubert, and you were just playing his most beautiful rendition on your stereo recorder.
But let us continue into something of the view of the innermost dimensions of this great Center which is dedicated to teaching the student who has gained some background in his inspirational art so that he may migrate to some earth plane, as he wishes, to carry some of this very important Mind Force with him. Franz tells me – and it is common knowledge of course – in passing at a very early age from the earth plane that he very prolifically scribbled his music upon paper bags, upon the wallpaper of his room, and even upon the linen in the cafes where he ate his meals so that he was completely exhausted spiritually at a very young age, and the life force within his body was disconnected. He simply had no more to give; he had used up his life in a few year’s time.
There is also another illustrious person named Handel here with us and several other composers who have lived at different times upon the earth. I personally feel very small and insignificant along side these many illustrious minds and intellects who have given so much to the enjoyment of the races of humanity upon the earth at different times.
This great Center, like it was in Coralanthus, is of the rosy pink or coral shaded vibration and is very pleasing to one’s eye and to the general feeling in which one seems to be constantly in tune with some great permeating or radiating force which seems to come from within and without. Of course, this is the God Force which has been described to you so many times. Here, in this great Center there are many wonderful and beautiful dwelling places, and it is not crowded as one would expect.
I am most interested in some of the artistic trends (shall I call them) which will quite likely be manifest in the future days of the earth’s history in some period of time in a hundred years or so. I have been looking at some of the homes which the architects of that time are now studying here, and will bring into your world the various arts as they will be expressed. Of course, my greater interest is primarily music, but the homes are most beautiful and they shall be constructed upon the earth of translucent plastic materials; or they shall be almost completely of a glass nature where one can look out upon the surrounding landscape.
Yet, these sheets of glass-like walls will be of polarized materials so that none of the occupants are deprived of their privacy, nor, will the strong rays of the sun penetrate into the house to fade the beautiful tapestries and carpeting which I see displayed upon the floors and walls.
The furniture, too, is most beautiful and not like the clumsy wooden furniture which is in general use on the earth today. It shall be covered with surfaces which are suspended in air or air cushions. The kitchens where the housewife is supposed to cook will actually be chemical laboratories of a push button nature where the foods will come out untouched and unseen, and merely ordered, you might say, by pushing a certain button which will set a chain of robots to action. If I were to describe all of these things to the various feminine readers who are interested in culinary arts of your time, they would indeed be most amazed at what I have seen; and should I come back to the earth at that time, I would most certainly like to have one of those kitchens to prepare a little snack occasionally. There are many other wonderful and beautiful things here to see which will come into usage in the earth in a future day.
I can definitely see the mad race to oblivion as far as the automobile industry is concerned. These millions of iron monsters and juggernauts, which are killing thousands of people every year and polluting the air with fumes, will give way to new and wonderful vehicles of travel and to other means of communication which will render it unnecessary for the person to travel about.
Art, in itself, as it is known in the period of the Renaissance in Europe, while it was primarily devoted to its age and time and succeeded to a tremendous state of perfection by many of the high Masters, shall only be seen in the most ancient archives in the museums of your future world. The new art of the future will actually be done with an electronic brush which will be portrayed by the dweller of the future home.
He will be able, by pressing a button and turning a dial, to bring into the room the various vistas and distant horizons in some sort of TV like apparatus which will be shown in full color and view upon the the wall of his dwelling. He will be able to communicate from city to city and see persons or groups in just such fashion in a very highly developed type of TV service, which is unlike any of the crude apparatus in use on the earth today. I have seen all of these wonderful things and many more, and I can assure you that the world, while you may think it is beautiful today, and very wonderful, will be a thousand times more so in the future.
You will not even see the common leather shoes which you now wear because leather will give way to very durable and wonderful synthetic materials which breathe much more freely than does leather and will outwear leather a hundred times, and will be much more comfortable.
Likewise, natural fibers will entirely give way to very artistic and beautiful clothing which will be constructed, not only from different types of plastic materials which you call spun glass, but will also embody many new types of synthetic fibers about which you know nothing today.
Yes, indeed, the world of tomorrow will be a very wonderful and beautiful place. In fact, the man two thousand years from now will have very little of his intestinal tract left. It shall, as the scientists say, metamorphose completely because he will imbibe food through the capsule method more than he will by taking the large bulk quantities as he does at the present. Yes, it is quite possible that man will go through a very wonderful state of evolution upon the earth and that you may look for most anything to happen in the future should you come back in any of your periods of reincarnation.
One more situation which I would say is that man should learn very thoroughly to control the birth rate of the nations of the world; and would he use the same system among humans as he is now using with his cattle and with his dogs and horses, in that way he would be able to produce a super race of people. While this may seem a violation, at the present time, of certain inalienable rights as they are called in your Constitution, yet, wisdom of these things will become apparent through the passing of years and shall supplant the old gross ignorance with which the average person has surrounded himself in his regard to certain respects or rights, because it is not logical for people to breed a race of inferior humans and cast upon society thousands and millions of derelicts and pieces of wreckage of humanity. These things I have seen and many more which will come to pass in the future.
This is a most beautiful place and I am very happy and contented here, yet, I know that there are greater things to accomplish. Perhaps someday, in some future time, I may come back in a way for which I was not formerly fitted in my last incarnation upon the earth.
Here, it is warm and beautiful; the air is filled with radiance and music and there is a continual feeling of affinity and oneness with some great and beautiful force which is flowing within one. You can also go most anywhere you wish and attend concerts. And various other highly developed cultural expressions where humanity is flourishing
in a way and in a degree which is beyond the imagination of the earth dweller.
But, until such future time, my dear ones, I will come to you and especially to Ruth. I am very fond of her; she should persist in kindness and in temperance in all things that she does for these things are truly of the spirit. If she persists she shall be so richly rewarded for her tree of life shall bear the fruits of Infinite Wisdom. Until such future time this is Carrie Jacobs Bond.
Goodbye, Dear Ones.
Excerpt from The Voice of Muse, UN.AR.I.U.S., Elysium
The Golden Key
by Carrie Jacobs Bond
I found a Golden Key one day,
Upon the path I trod,
And it unlocked a Golden Door,
The door that led to God.
And as I look’d inside I saw
These words upon the wall:
“Your God is love, and love brings work,
There’s love and work for all.”
No idle life can happy be,
We all must do our part,
Must work a-while and play a-while
With all our soul and heart;
For those who do their work with joy,
Grim toil can live no more,
And in their hands they’ll find the Key
That opens ev’ry door.
From The Roads of Melody
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