World Power Grid
by George Van Tassel
Since Nikola Tesla’s early experiments with extracting energy from the earth, there have been a number of attempts to produce electrical power from this giant solar electron.
The fact that the Sun causes variations in the fluctuation of the earth’s energy, due to sunspots and flareups in the Sun, is well established. Government appropriation of billions of dollars, to obtain energy from the Sun’s radiations, is only a “battery charger effect” to another “Rube Goldberg” method of indirect energy.
Alfred Hubbard obtained energy directly from the earth, and demonstrated that it could be transmitted, as was written about in the December
17th, 1919, Seattle Post Intelligencer newspaper. The pictures in the paper showed the Hubbard device lighting a 200 watt light bulb.
Hubbard, then only 19 years old, powered an 18 foot boat around Portage Bay, near Seattle. Operating a 35 horsepower electric motor, with no batteries in the boat, he cruised around for hours on the energy produced from his device.
One of our associates, Art Aho, learned considerably about Hubbard’s device from a man that worked with Hubbard at the time. Art was also working with Lester Hendershot when he was lighting a 100 watt bulb from a similar “basket weave” coil.
Both Hubbard, and Hendershot used what was called, in old Chinese records, the “Cosmic Flower”, which they claimed was “the source of all power”.
Both principles employed a pulse resonance with the earth’s grid system and created a secondary induction between the two windings on the coils. Hubbard’s coils were round, in both the primary and the secondary; and Hendershot used a round configuration in the primary with a diamond shaped secondary as the result of the “basket” weave in the winding.
Hubbards transmitter was in exact resonance with the transducer he had aboard the boat. He collected the energy in his transformer by running wires 1200 feet in north, south, east and west directions underground, from the center. The outer end of the wires attached to hollow tubes 18″ long that had mercury in them. The wires passed through the earths energy grid wave. The mercury apparently created a choke, or pulse block, that forced the current to go to the central primary circuit.
In the magazine “Electrical Experimenter” of February, 1919, in an article titled “Famous Scientific Illusions“, written by Nikola Tesla, he says regarding his transmission of power; “Some experts, whom I have credited with better knowledge, have for years contended that my proposals to transmit power without wires are sheer nonsense but I note that they are growing more cautious every day. The latest objection to my system is found in the cheapness of gasoline. These men labor under the impression that the energy flows in all directions and that, therefore, only a minute amount can be recovered in any individual receiver. But this is far from being so. The power is conveyed in only one direction, from the transmitter to the receiver, and none of it is lost anywhere. It is perfectly practicable to recover at any point of the globe energy enough for driving an airplane, or a pleasure boat or for lighting a dwelling. I am especially sanguine in regard to the lighting of isolated places and believe that a more economical and convenient method can hardly be devised. The future will show whether my foresight is as accurate now as it has proved heretofore.”
Here in 1919 you see the greatest genius, Nikola Tesla, saying it can be done and in Seattle unknown to Tesla, Hubbard was transmitting energy to drive a pleasure boat. Tesla’s reference to “the cheapness of gasoline” being the opposition to his principles of clean power is possibly why after Tesla died, his giant energy transmission tower on Long Island was torn down and his energy transmission station at Colorado Springs was obliterated. Today Ed Gray is running into the same opposition in getting his magnetic motor into production motor cars.
Hugo Gernsback, President of the Experimenter Publishing Co., in which Tesla’s articles were printed, says in the same issue; “If we were sending pure Hertzian waves, why do we connect one wire at both sending and receiving stations to the ground? Hertz never dreamt of such a thing. If you are still unconvinced that the earth is the chief medium of transmission, disconnect your ground wires entirely and try to send and receive. Now you may work with Hertz waves but the distances you can bridge will be pitifully small.”
One can check the earth’s energy, not only as a conductor, but as an amplifier by putting a ground wire on their radio to the chassis.
A book, published in the German language, in Innsbruck, Austria in 1952, explains the findings of outstanding researchers into the earth’s power grid system. The title of this book is “The World of the Secret Forces”. In German, “Die Welt Der Geheimen Machte”.
The men involved are Dr. Willi Schlosser, Prof. Hellmut Wolff, Hans-Wilhelm Smolik, Heinrich Reblitz, Theodor Weimann, Herbert A. Lohlein, Ferdinand Reich, Univ. Prof. Dr. Hubert J. Urban, Dir. Prof. Dr. K. Saller, Prof. Dr. Georg Anschutz, Prof. Dr. Theol and Adolf Koberle. Quite an impressive group of qualified professional people, to agree, and be involved in one book. They established that the earth is covered on the surface by a grid system of positive and negative poles in a checkerboard pattern.
Excerpts from the book are as follows:
“Each of the squares has a center pole surrounded by 8 smaller poles. (Here again is the Chinese Cosmic Flower, the Hubbard Coils, the Tesla System of extracting energy from the earth. Ed.)
These squares vary in size from the equator, getting smaller in the direction of the earths poles. The main pole concentrates energy. At North Latitude 48° (The latitude where these men conducted their research. Ed.) the center pole has a diameter of 2.45 meters. The 8 smaller poles have a diameter of 60 c.m. Four of the 8 outer poles (alternately) send energy up toward the sky. The other four send energy outward horizontally to North, South, East and West.
The squares (48° N. Latitude) are 15.90 meters diagonally from center to center poles.
N/sinus 45° = 15.9/0.707 = 22.50 meters
A border field is mingled together in the Northwest and Southeast directions and in the Southwest and Northeast directions. These 4 corners of the squares seem to connect the fields of 2 of the negative smaller poles and two of the positive smaller poles.
At these points any person (or body) will receive a mixture of negative and positive energies.
The side length measurements at the equator are 32 meters long. It was found out that the earth between its North and South Poles was a “stick” magnet. On this magnetic field there are electric currents perpendicular to the “stick” magnet.
Strange to say that the Cheops pyramid on the 30° North latitude, stands on a diagonal measurement of the pole field of 30 meters on each side of the squares.
The main center poles of each positive square shows a direction of energy from above to below the earths surface. There a vortex is created with a pulse like the hand of a clock. The negative poles are vice versa.
Dr. Rohracher, of the University of Vienna made a very sensitive electro-magnetic tuning fork (The Hendershot device also has a magnetic tuning fork. Ed.) that showed from 7 to 18 movements per second. Prof. Dr. Regelsberger made an electrometer which showed electric impulses of 10 millionth of an amp.
Dr. Muller, from Zurich, Switzerland, measured the electric field on the human body. The body “aura” will change if you move into a different location.
This means the magnetic or electric field of the earth is different.
The ‘dowsing rod’ can locate the center of these positive and negative poles. These measurements should be made with different lengths of ‘dowsing rods’. The length gives different wave length readings.
The point you find with the rod is a knot of a free standing wave. (We call this energy point a ‘time zone’ or ‘this other energy’. It is not magnetic, or electric. Hieronymous calls it ‘Eloptic Energy’. Ed.)
The ‘aura’ of the human body will be charged on all positive polarity pole centers and it will discharge the human ‘aura’ on all negative poles until no aura is registered. This is how one can register whether the poles are positive, or negative.
These experiments are physiologically and psychologically of the greatest importance to health. Whoever goes into the secret of the earth’s ray powers will know the wheel of destiny.
These powers are free, not the power from our power plants. These in and out powers have to do with the human organism. The trouble zones and health zones have to do with the movement of the planets and stars. In the micro-cosmos it (the earth) is the electron that is in the command of our creator. (What a statement to come from these distinguished men. Ed.)
This is the pattern of the secret of creation and this is why the Chinese speak of the secret of the golden blossom.
It is well known that there are rows of cancer houses in certain towns and most of these inhabitants are dying of this terrible sickness. The dowsers have proven that the bedrooms of cancer patients are on the grid crossings of the trouble zones.
Waldemar V. Jankowsky wrote about the cancer problem and said the light quantum and the Pi-electron are the cause. The dowsers proved these trouble zones are in the positive fields. Frh. V. Pohl wrote; “earth beams are sickness exciters. We could find the positive fields by experiments.
The places of the negative polar fields shows entirely different effects on the human organism. Now here is an entirely new field for searching doctors who are interested in the world of fine beams. Through this effect the life span of the human can be changed.” (This verifies what we are trying to do with the “Integratron” machine. Ed.)
Captain Bruce Cathie’s two books “Harmonic 33” and “Harmonic 695” seem to follow a pattern “township” grid composed of many of the smaller grid-like “sections”.
It is strange that the German material and Cathie’s grids coincide on the great pyramid, and other points on the earth’s surface. These researches conducted years apart and on opposite sides of the globe tend to verify each other.
The fact that microwave transmissions, and receptions, are being carried on through the earth’s surface by coordinating resonance at different points, is proof that secret scientific people are already aware of the great potentials of the grid system for power, navigation, and antigravity directional control.
Baxter’s research with plants; the Hieronymous research with insects; research into bio-transducers by L. George Laurence; Kirlian photography; acupuncture, and numerous other aspects are verifying each other.
In the “Proceedings” of November 1953, on page five we explained the “earth’s force field.” Four years later science verified this and called it the “Van Allen Radiation Belt”. In the 1953 article we printed: “this ring maintains balanced interchange of power through the crust and atmosphere of this planet.”
In the September-October 1965 issue of the “Proceedings”, on page 4, we wrote up the earth forces in an article titled, “This Amazing Armature“. In the 1965 article we said, “There are other fields in the earths bulk that are not measurable with a magnetic instrument such as a compass. These fields, and currents, are the carriers and distributors of what we call ‘life force’. This ‘life force’ is only measurable and detectable through ‘living’ instruments and it is also subject to thought.”
If people knew they were living in a positive square on the earth they would move, or be subject to the physical ailments caused by it.
This article could go on indefinitely, because there is not enough research going on for the benefit of people, and too much going on for their detriment.
Mrs. Ford, the President’s wife, and Mrs. Rockefeller, having to suffer the conditions of breast cancer surgery, is proof that the detrimental forces can affect people in the highest positions in life.
It looks like the government should appropriate more money to study these forces and subsidize those people who are already involved in the research into this “life force”.
Excerpt from Proceedings, Vol. 10 October-November-December 1974 No. 6
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